Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Nursing Progress

Today was an exciting day.  Both boys were able to nurse well enough that they were given less food through their feeding tube!  This is definitely exciting.  Ben actually nursed well enough at the last feeding that he was given no food through the feeding tube for that feeding. 

I was nearing the point of throwing up my hands with it all before today.  We are going to have to give them some bottles when they leave.  The doctors require the boys to go home on either a couple of bottles of formula a day or a couple of bottles of fortified, pumped breast milk.  I had kind of just decided to accept my fate and plan to just use bottles all the time.  Now I have hope that maybe the boys can get this worked out. 

Cody is not nearly as excited about this as I expected.  He has been nursing obsessed ever since the boys were born.  Now that we're making progress, he does not seem impressed.  I'm sure he is very happy.  He is just not that great at showing excitement.

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