Well today was the first full day at the hospital. I am feeling a lot better already. I was able to get up and walk around. My parents and my grandparents Beard were able to come up and see us today. They only stayed for a couple of hours. Just enough time to see the boys really fast and eat some semi-ok hospital cafeteria food. It was very nice of them to make it up. Everyone was really excited to see the boys. They brought some beautiful roses and some balloons.
Alex and Ben are doing quite well. They both have been taken off the CPAP machines and are on high flow nose cannulas. I'm still a little out of it, so I'm not completely up on the terminology yet. The lovely nurses at the NICU are letting us get in on the action and take temps, change diapers, and do little things like repositioning the boys. It can be overwhelming, but it is nice to see the boys. We are not able to hold them as long as they are on the lights, so we have to wait until they come off to hold them again.
Here is Ben. He looks like he is just chilling under the lights. He is just working on his sun tan.
I believe this foot is also Ben's. Both of the boys seem to have gotten my monkey feet. They have really long toes that they like to use to grab at wires that are hanging around nearby.
Day 2:
I am feeling a lot better. My feet are swelling up like crazy and I'm pretty sure Cody has forgotten that I had major abdominal surgery just a couple of days ago, but we're doing alright. Our fantastic friend Amy has kindly taken Shep in. That poor dog. I'm sure he is living it up at her house. We will totally do what we can to make it up to Amy when we can.
The boys are still doing okay. They are talking about weaning them off of their lights and they are talking about pulling back on the high flow nose cannulas. I don't completely understand how it all works, but I know that none of this means the boys will come home soon. They say that it is best to count on the boys coming home around their due date. I'm really hoping that is not the case, but what can you do? So far, they have found no major issues with the boys. They are just going through what babies at this gestation usually go through.
I can't say enough great things about the people here. My nurses have all been amazing. The people in the NICU have been awesome and supportive. They do their best to tell you what is going on in terms that you can understand. There is a social worker that is working on getting us some sort of housing near the hospital to transition to while the boys are in the NICU and I'm on driving restrictions. I guess as long as I'm breastfeeding, the hospital will feed me for free while I'm visiting the boys in the NICU. I have a lactation consultant that stops by to help me get things going. I really am thankful for all of the help that is being offered right now.
Here is Alex cuddling with his binky.
Here is Ben. Usually, he has his arms wrapped around his various cords and he uses his toes to hold separate wires. He is just like his mommy.
The nurses in the NICU comment all the time about how funny their super long toes are. These boys have big feet already and like to use their toes to grasp things.
It is hard to get good pictures because they are both being kept under those lights. We will try to keep this updated, but I imagine there won't really be much news day to day. I do miss being pregnant, but I'm happy we have Alex and Ben in our lives now.
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