Monday, December 17, 2012

First Hospital Weekend

This was our first weekend at the hospital.  It was quite a busy weekend!  Both sets of parents/now-grandparents came up.  Do we call them parents now, or grandparents?  Mom and Dad Ruby and Mom and Dad Beard all came up. 

This was the first time the Rubys got to see the babies.  It was a relatively uneventful visit.  The babies behaved themselves.  When my parents came up, Ben was super awake.  He had his eyes open pretty much the entire time, and he held my finger really tightly.  It was super nice to see the boys being a little more active.  They make super funny faces while they are awake.  Alex definitely looked like a frog today.

After they left, Cody and I went up again to drop off milk and hold them before bed.  I had Alex and again he was super active.  He kept rolling his head up and back so he could look around.  He had the hiccups for about 25 minutes.  I imagine it was exhausting for that little baby to hiccup so long.  Cody held Ben who mostly just slept the entire time.  It looks like today was my day to experience the boys being up and aware. 

It is hard to believe that they will be a week old tomorrow.  I wish the poor little guys didn't have to spend their first week in the hospital.  I guess the week did go by pretty quickly, but it seems like forever until they will maybe come home.

Anyway, here are some pictures from the last few days:


The cotton ball and tape on his head is from where he had an IV in his head.  Seeing all of the tubes and wires on the baby is hard, but it was really sad to see him with an IV in his head.

Here he is holding on to my finger.


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