Wednesday, November 28, 2012

32 Weeks: Stats

We now most likely have 2-4 weeks until the babies are here!!! 

Since my 31 week pictures were taken a couple of days ago, there is probably not much change. 

Here's the belly:

Zeus has moved way up and now has his head over my rib cage.  This picture sort of shows what I mean. (I can not explain why I'm sitting in a sports bra on a random Wednesday evening.  This is why it is important to tell us ahead of time if you plan to stop by!)  That giant bump where my belly meets my chest is Zeus's head.  It feels like this giant hard ball.  I very accurately drew out how I imagine him using paint.  If you are wondering why he looks so weird, I gave him boxing gloves and shorts. 


How far along? 32 weeks !!!

Baby's size?  2 squashes!  (They are each about 16.7 inches and about 3.75 lbs on average)
Total weight gain:  26 pounds (8 pounds over the last 2 weeks) 
Wow!  That seems like a lot.  It is probably a lot of water.  That explains my Vienna Sausage toes.
Belly circumference:   At the belly button:   47.5” At the maximum:   47.75"

Belly Button Status: It is as out as it will ever be.  Apparently I have almost no belly button, it mostly just looks swollen and puffy.  At least it doesn’t show through my shirt I guess!

What I’m Wearing:   I bought some super cool men’s long sleeve t-shirts in way bigger sizes than I’d normally wear.  I won’t look very good, but at least they will cover the bottom of my belly when I‘m  wearing them.  Cody can wear them when I’m done if he wants, but I doubt he will.  One is a Nebraska Cornhuskers shirt and one is a Wisconsin Badgers shirt.  I’m pretty sure he will not support another team on purpose.
Symptoms:  The back pain is getting worse and it occasionally feels like the bottom of my belly is going to rip open and spill out all my insides…. But otherwise I’ve been pretty good.  I do have some funny looking swelling in my feet.  My toes look like little Vienna sausages.   

Baby Movement:  They are back in an extreme movement stage.  There is no room for kicking or punching, so it feels like I have two snakes swimming around under my skin.  It is really creepy and exhausting.  They both like to push their entire bodies out on opposite sides of my stomach at the same time.  That definitely hurts.  I know there are a lot of movements I can’t feel because we watched them move a lot at the appointment yesterday and I didn’t feel anything.  They also have started up their night time dance parties again.  Silly boys! 

Cody was feeling my belly a couple of days ago and one of the boys was pushing back against his hand when Cody would poke him.  So Cody would poke the baby and then the baby would poke Cody back.  That was a lot of fun.  The babies are also starting to get the hiccups, I think.  It is some sort of rhythmic thumping that lasts for a while at least.  Cody got to feel that a few days ago.

How I'm Sleeping:  If I manage to not have to get up to go to the restroom, if the baby that is on the bottom is not pushing out causing pain while I lay on my side, if I get all of the pillows set up just right, and if the temperature stays really cool….. I sleep okay. 

Cody has started waging war on the body pillow that I try to sleep with.   Our bed is too small for the pillow, Cody, and me every night, but I’ll try to sneak it in when my back and hips really hurt.  Cody seems to take offense that the pillow gets to sleep between us.  He whines, but in the middle of the night I sometimes have to kick his legs off of it because he is using it. 

Things I miss:  I miss walking at a normal speed and a normal posture.  I definitely have the pregnant belly push out posture and I have to walk super slowly.  I’m sorry general public…. I’m doing the best I can!

Best moment this week:  We had a nice Thanksgiving.  Amy and Andre invited us to join them and their family.  Amy is a super good hostess and so we had a much more grown up Thanksgiving than I would have put on for us if we had stayed home.  Andre’s family was in town, so we got to meet them.  Cody spilled a glass of homemade wine on Amy's grandma's real silver serving tray.... the usual Thanksgiving stuff.

Upcoming Appointments:  I will be up there every Tuesday and Friday (at least) until delivery.  Friday is another appointment like the one I just went to.  Next Tuesday is another one of those appointments plus a growth scan to make sure they are still growing okay and that their growth discordance is still acceptable.  I might have another appointment with a doctor then as well.
What I'm Looking Forward To:  We made it to 32 weeks!  Now I’m looking forward to making it to 35 weeks as the next milestone week. 

I’m now buying things from our registry that we still need.  It is always fun to get those packages in the mail.  We have pretty much everything I can think of that we will need immediately.  I’d still like to buy some swaddle blankets (the kind that you just Velcro, not the kind that you have to wrap yourself) and finish up the newborn cloth diaper supplies.  

I decided that it would be a good idea to get some embroidered hats with the name of each baby to make it easier for us and family to tell them apart quickly and/or from a distance.  I definitely cheaped out after seeing how much it would cost to have someone make them for us.  Sorry boys, your mommy doesn’t like to spend that much money on infant caps.  I’ve been exploring other options now.  It is probably going to be hilarious and end up costing more than just getting the hats made… but whatever.  Cody and I get a kick out of me and my crazy ideas.  I did suggest just using a Sharpie to write the names on the hats…. Maybe duct tape?  “Hi, my name is” stickers?  Those iron on transfers for making weird t-shirts using your regular ink jet printer?  I’m really excited to work this out.


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