Thursday, November 15, 2012

30 Weeks: Stats

Since Cody was away on business, this post is a little late.  I had to take pictures of myself in the mirror like the teenage girls on facebook.  If you could see my face, you'd know I was doing the duckface so common in this type of photo.  I took pictures before, but then saw how dirty my mirror was.  Yuck.  After cleaning the mirror, I did a second round of photos.  I'm pretty sure I've gotten bigger this week.  I didn't feel very good and needed a lot of sleep.  I'm thinking the boys or my body or both had a growth spurt.  Anyway, here's the belly:


How far along? 30 weeks !!!

Baby's size?  2 heads of cabbage!  (They are each about 16 inches and about 3 lbs on average)

Total weight gain:  18 pounds (2 this week)

Belly circumference:   At the belly button:   46.5” At the maximum:   47”

 I actually didn't measure very carefully, so I basically made these numbers up.  They are fairly close though. 

Belly Button Status:  The belly button is about as flat as it can be.  I’m pretty sure that it will never poke out.  My belly button is just too short!

What I’m Wearing:   I’m having issues with my favorite maternity shirt.  Every single time I wear it, I drop food down the front of it.  I am not really exaggerating.  After each wear, I have to wash it with spray and wash, and then hang it in the bathroom to dry so the dryer doesn’t bake in any stains.  After it dries and I see there are no permanent stains, I have to wash it again because it is stiff and the neck is stretched out.  I almost never get to wear the shirt because it is always in some stage of being washed.  When I finally get it, I drop food on it and the process begins again.  This stupid belly really catches everything I drop.

Symptoms:  I am having some heartburn/acid reflux at night.  My ankles are apparently swelling.  Sleeping is uncomfortable.  My shoes were a little snug last time I wore non-flip-flops.  It will be absolutely horrible if my feet stretch out.  I know it is a common symptom of pregnancy, but I already have huge feet.  I have Peggy Hill from King of the Hill feet.  I’ll have to start buying my shoes from online retailers that market to men that dress as women.  Hopefully my shoes weren’t really snug.  Cody had to help me put them on, so maybe he just made a bigger show of having problems shoving my giant feet in tiny shoes.

Baby Movement:  I’m pretty sure the boys don’t really have much more room to move.  I almost feel no punches and kicks anymore.  I feel more body wiggles and maybe shoulder shrugs.  It is a really really weird feeling.  It is like in all the Scifi movies when there is some creature that wiggles through someone’s belly before it comes exploding out of them.  They aren’t keeping me up at night with their moving as often now.  The movements are a lot smaller, but they feel a lot weirder.

How I'm Sleeping:  I’m sleeping okay considering I’m 30 weeks pregnant with twins.  Sometimes it feels like it is impossible to roll over. 

Things I miss:  I miss being able to move for more than 15 or so minutes before I need to sit down.  I miss being able to ride in a car.  I can barely ride up to Bellevue now before I start feeling sore and tired.  You would think just sitting would not be difficult.

Best moment this week:  Cody and I made some real progress on cleaning up the basement.  I used to call it box hell, but we’re down to just a small corner of boxes.   Cody forced me to part with nearly all of my treasures, but his treasures are too precious to consider getting rid of.  Some of his treasures include: the boots he stole from the killing floor of one of his animal slaughter classes (yes, they have classes that teach you how to slaughter animals in college), every winter coat he has owned since he was 12, and every single book and binder from his 8 years of college classes.  To be fair, my treasures were not quite treasures either.  Things he made me get rid of: the wood burning kit made for kids that I got last year and promptly burned myself the first time I used it, the canned snow I bought to decorate wreaths with, and my emergency ration stash of expired cans of pumpkin I bought the year the news emphasized a terrible pumpkin shortage.  No matter what, it is really nice to have the basement in a condition where we can go down there and visitors can stay down there.  I imagine we will have more visitors in the coming months; visitors that will probably appreciate some space away from the 2 crying, screaming poo machines living upstairs…. And the babies too (hahahahaha.. I really couldn’t help it). 
We also got the nursery half painted.  I think it will look really nice when it is all the way painted eventually.

Upcoming Appointments:  I have a day of appointments next week.  I’ll meet with the MFM and get a growth scan.  Hopefully the boys are doing well.  I should probably start taking a hospital bag to these appointments.  It wouldn’t be unheard of to end up with an emergency c-section based on the appointments. 
 What I'm Looking Forward To:  I’m looking forward to Cody coming home.  He has been on a business trip this week.  I miss having someone to pick up things off the floor for me and having someone that can help me roll over in bed.  Also, the baby shower at his work has been rescheduled for Monday.  I’m looking forward to meeting some of the people he works with.  I still feel guilty about people maybe buying us gifts, but it really is nice of them to go to the effort of planning something  for us.   I’ll be happy if people just swing by to say hi and give me that pity-filled look when they see how gigantic I am. 

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