Tuesday, November 20, 2012

31 Weeks: Growth Scan + MFM appt

Well, it is that time again.  We got another growth scan.  The boys still look good.  Leonidas is 3.5 lbs and Zeus is 3 lbs.  That seems like a big difference, but it is only 14%.  They don't start to worry until the difference is more like 20-25%.  They are still growing on track with gigantic heads and short legs.  Cody could not make it to this appointment, but that's okay.  I'm going to be there a lot more often.
The ultrasound tech had a student with her today, so I got a super long ultrasound.  She tried to get good 3d/4d images of the boys for like 15 minutes.  The images on the printouts are not nearly as good as they looked on her screen.  I tried scanning them with a higher resolution, but that just made all the dust show up on the pictures.  There are a lot of baby pieces everywhere, so I just outlined the most important parts.  As usual, Leonidas is blue and Zeus is red.
Here are the pictures:
They are still positioned the same as they were at the last ultrasound.  Their heads are together at about my belly button and they face each other.  Zeus is still breech, so his legs go down and around my belly.  Leonidas is head down, so his body comes up and around the top of my stomach/my ribs.  In this picture you can see their heads together.

This picture really demonstrates how smushed in there they are.  On the left is Leonidas.  You can see his arms and legs bent up by his face.  The red circle on the right is Zeus's head right by Leonidas's butt.

Here is a profile of Leonidas.  Some of these pictures are better than others.  The 3d/4d technology kind of distorts the images a bit, so you have to look at all the pictures and piece together a really good image in your head.  Zeus is somewhere in the mess to the right.

Leonidas again.

Zeus's profile.  Leonidas is somewhere in the mess to the right.

I thought this image was hilarious.  This is Zeus from straight on his face.  He looks like a little piggy.  You can see a weird ball nose, a funny puckered mouth, and weird round chin.  It is face only a mother can love.  That is caused by the distortion.  His face doesn't really look that pig-like.

Zeus's profile.  He looks like he is making a sad face.  He was
 pretty tired of being scanned by then I bet.

Zeus's profile.

Leonidas old school style.  He looks like a little pillsbury dough boy.

Zeus in 2d.  

After my appointment, I met with the Nurse Practitioner again.  My original appointment was scheduled with an hour in between the scan and the appointment, so they squeezed me in with the nurse without waiting.  It was very nice of them to get me in and I do really like the nurse.  I like and trust the doctor I had an appointment with originally, but it is way less comfortable to discuss some pregnancy things with an old man in a fancy suit. 
During the appointment, the nurse asked how my mood has been and if I'd had any thoughts of hurting myself.  I laughed and said my mood has been surprisingly good.  I'm more likely to want to strangle my husband than hurt myself. She laughed and said that is normal.  Sorry monkey, pregnancy is hard! 
Everything is normal and okay.  My belly is measuring near full term.  They scheduled me to start going in for twice weekly non-stress tests next week.  The test involves monitors on my belly that measure the baby's heart rate and any contractions.  Basically, they are looking to see that the baby's heart rate increases with his movement.  This is a round about way of making sure they get enough oxygen and checking placenta and umbilical cord function.   If you want to read more about it, you can go here: http://www.americanpregnancy.org/prenataltesting/non-stresstest.html
That is all the new information I have.  Since the student was scanning me after the ultrasound, I didn't get to see the actual baby measurements.  I guess that's okay; I'll be up there again next Tuesday.  We're getting awfully close to the end!

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