Thursday, October 25, 2012

27 weeks: Stats

I haven't really changed at all since my late update of my 26 week stats post, but here I am at 27 weeks. 

This view seems to be getting a lot bigger:
Ok, I said last week's would be the last naked belly picture, but this one is just too awesome. I purposely compressed it so it is small and you can't see too much awesome detail.

How far along? 27 weeks !!!

Baby's size?  2 eggplants!  (14.5” and about 2 lbs each)

Total weight gain: 12 pounds ( 2 this week)

Belly circumference:   At the belly button:  45"  At the maximum:  45"

Again, the maximum measurements aren't getting bigger, but more of my belly is getting closer to 45".  I imagine the max will go up soon.

Belly Button Status:  It appears some progress has been made on my belly button.  It is now pretty much flat on my stomach. 

What I’m Wearing:  I’m trying to decide what shoes I’ll be able to wear this winter.  I definitely can’t reach anything that requires me to tie shoelaces.  I may be able to wear slip-ons.  It might start getting snowy and icy soon, so I should probably work out a shoe plan.  I lost my belly band a couple of weeks ago, so I can’t get any of my old jeans on.  I really miss that thing.  I also don’t really have a jacket or coat that will fit.  I’m planning to just wear long sleeves and arm warmers for as long as I can.  I run really hot anyway, so I should be fine.   I could wear a jacket like normal and then a second jacket backwards to cover my front half.  I may start a new fashion trend.

Symptoms:  I have been so incredibly exhausted it is not even funny.  I get tired putting on pants.  The doctor says that is normal and will probably get worse.  The babies had a bit of a growth spurt, so I figure that is why I’m so worn out.  I still get really bad calf pain some nights.  It sounds like that will get worse as well.  I am hilariously incapable of bending or maneuvering my upper body in any way.  I can’t sit up on my own.  Finally, absolutely killer heart burn and/or acid reflux (I don't know anything about these symptoms because I never had a problem with it pre-pregnancy) occasionally strikes.... mostly at night of course.  Otherwise I’ve been relatively symptom free.

Baby Movement:  They are getting stronger every day.  They are starting to kick hard enough to see on the outside.  I’ve been trying to catch it on video, but they don’t move that often during the day.  They are really night time babies.  They still don’t move often enough to make it easy for other people to feel them.  Cody has caught them a few more times lately.  Zeus likes to press his body against my belly, so sometimes when he does that you can feel his back if you don’t push too hard.  If you’re gentle he’ll squirm around a little before moving away again.  Cody pushes too hard, so usually when he tries to feel Zeus's back, Zeus turns around and starts kicking at his hand instead.  My boys really don’t like being squished. 

How I'm Sleeping:  The answer is still the same.  The boys will keep me awake with their moving at night.  When I manage to fall asleep, they wake me up with moving.  If I roll over the baby on the bottom wakes me up with furious kicking.  Sometimes, the leg cramps are what wakes me up.  If I somehow end up on my back, I wake up dizzy and in pain.  Maybe this explains why I’m so tired all the time.

Things I Miss:  I miss eating a huge delicious meal.  I’m hungry all the time, but I can only eat a little bit at a time.  I miss really pigging out once in a while.  I also miss being able to slide into a booth without hitting my belly on the table.

Best moment this week:  Cody and I made a lot of progress on the house this weekend.  Pretty much the only place that doesn’t have siding is around the front door and the back of the detached garage.   Pretty much all of the channel to hang soffit is in.  We may be able to squeak this out by the time winter really gets here.

Upcoming Appointments:  I may need to go repeat my gestational diabetes test.  I haven’t updated with information on that appointment yet because I’m waiting to decide how much I screwed it up.  I had an MFM/OB appointment yesterday and I was informed I would be there a lot more often from here on out.  Not because of issues, just because I’m nearing the end of the journey.  We are getting to the point where things can change rapidly so I need more monitoring.  My next set of appointments is in 2 weeks, assuming I don’t have to go back to retake the 1 hr glucola test.  I don’t know if I’ve had a week without an appointment in a long time.

What I'm Looking Forward To:  We are trying to work out a time to go back to see Cody’s side before I’m too big to move.  It looks like one of the first weekends in November is our plan. 

Also, right around this week is when you can call yourself 3rd trimester!  The range seems to be 26 weeks 6 days to 28 weeks, so I’m fine considering myself 3rd trimester now.  I won’t make it to 40 weeks anyway, so my 3rd trimester was really a couple of weeks ago.

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