Friday, October 5, 2012

24 Week Growth Scan

Today we had another growth scan.  The boys are still doing very well.  There is an 11% difference between the two, but that is probably due to the timing of their growth spurts.  We had an 11% difference the appointment before last, then the last appointment was 1% difference.  I think Leonidas grows first, then Zeus catches up.  Leonidas weighs 1 lb 7 oz and Zeus weigh 1 lb 4 oz.  They are both on track for their due date.  Cody sadly had to run a conference call during my appointment, so he missed seeing the boys again.

The tech that did the scan this time kindly decided to do more of the 3d/4d scans for me.  Apparently she really enjoys them also, so we watched them in 3d for like 5 minutes.  She printed off 6 pictures for me.  She warned me that they are going to be getting really squished in there soon, so this might be my last chance for good 3d/4d images.  They are both head down now.  I think that makes for better pictures. This time nobody photo bombed the other baby with a butt in the other's face. 

The images that are printed are significantly less easy to see than the images on the monitors, so I decided to help everyone decipher the random blobs.  I think I did an AMAZING job tracing the important parts in Paint.  Cody laughed a lot when he saw what I did.  Leonidas is traced in Blue.  Zeus is traced in Red.  Non baby things are Yellow.  I tried to get the pictures side by side, but it didn't quite work.  I'm new to this blogging thing so bear with me.  Also, I'm not a professional at reading these scans, so some things may be mislabelled, not labelled, or something else.  This is for entertainment only.

Here is the only non 3d/4d image I got.  It is the top of their heads like you are looking down on them.

Leonidas is traced in blue.  The Yellow blob is the membrane that separates the two babies.  We thought maybe it was Zeus's head, but I'm pretty sure it is the membrane.  Inside the yellow blob is Zeus's home.  I outlined the general area of his eyes, nose, mouth, ears, arm, and chest.  The bright white thing in his arm is the bone.  Bone shows up really well in these scans.  Note: I gave him eyebrows that aren't really there.  I think it makes it look more like a face if you know where to find the eyebrows.

The blob looks more like a head than a membrane in this one, so I decided to call it Zeus's head.  It might just be another image of the membrane, but it is more fun to think of it as a head.  Leonidas is again in blue.  There is a hand next to and above his head and a hand by his face.  His eyes, nose, and mouth are outlined.

Here is Zeus.  I couldn't tell what a lot of these blobs were.  Leonidas is on the right somewhere, but it is unmarked because it looks like random body bulges to me.  I believe this is a picture of Zeus kind of taken over his shoulder like those cheesey Glamour Shots from the 90s in the mall.  His chin is tucked behind his shoulder a bit.  You can see a hand above his head.  I'm pretty sure that is his.  I gave him another awesome eyebrow, and outlined his eyes, nose, mouth, and ear.

Here is a picture of Zeus with an arm and hand covering his face.  His finger is extended like he is pointing at something.  He is probably scolding his brother for kicking him or something.  I outlined his head, arm, and chest mostly.  On his face, I marked his ear, mouth, and nose.  There may be another hand and arm unmarked at the bottom right facing the camera, but I wasn't sure.  It would make sense that his arms face each other though.

This image the tech and doctor got a big kick out of.  It looks like Leonidas is kissing the top of Zeus's head.  Zeus's face looks weird, but that is just the nature of the technology. He has a normal face as you can see in the other images.  On Leonidas, you can see his arm up over his head and his chest.  I did a very good/horrible job outlining things on his face.  On Zeus, you can mostly just see the shape of his head and his ear mostly clearly.  He has a little hand down by his mouth.

Warning:  This pic contains boy bits.  Poor Zeus won't be able to run for office because his mommy posted pictures of his junk in utero.  It is a great shot of his feet crossed.  The foot on the bottom you see the bottom of his foot.  The foot crossed on top you can see the top of his foot.  You can also see his legs and his torso clearly.  I think the blue thing at the top is Leonidas's arm.  I'm not positive though.  The yellow thing is, I think, is an umbilical cord for one of them.

This was a pretty exciting and interesting appointment.  I hope you enjoyed the images and I hope my drawings helped you figure out what pieces are what.

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