Friday, October 19, 2012

26 Week Appointment: Growth Scan

Cody finally got to see his babies in 3d/4d!  He managed to find a kind soul to take over the call he needed to run today so he could finally make it to one of these ultrasound appointments.  He has missed the last 2.  They have changed a lot since then!  They are really starting to look like humans.  He was pretty pumped about that. 

The boys are measuring right on target. They seem to be built like their mommy: big head and short legs.  They do not have abnormally large heads or abnormally short legs, but their head percentiles are quite a bit above average and their femur lengths are a little below average.  Leonidas is 2 lb 1 oz and Zeus is 1 lb 13 oz.  They have grown quite a bit over the last 2 weeks!

The doctor said that since I haven't had any problems yet, they are not too worried about me having major problems the next few weeks. I will not have to start the more intense monitoring until 32 weeks as long as they boys stay within 25% of each other.  They are well within that range right now.  I'm glad to have a few more weeks until I need to start driving up there so much.

The pictures are not that fantastic.  Leonidas was in a much better position than Zeus, so all of the pictures are of him.  They are identical, so you can just pretend you are seeing both of them.  Since everyone got such a kick out of me outlining body parts last time, I went ahead and did it again this week.  I had a lot more trouble telling what parts were what, so I was not as precise.  Leonidas is head down and Zeus is head up.  They are spending quite a bit of time kicking each other in the head. 

Here are the babies: (Leonidas is in blue and Zeus is in red, non baby things are yellow)

Here is a picture of Leonidas in blue.  He has his arm up by his face. I drew his other arm by his side, but that might just be his cord.  You can see Zeus's feet in red on the right side.

Here is a more disorganized image of Leonidas.  His cord may be the thing in yellow over his face.  I did give nipples and a belly button to make the image extra interesting.

Again Leonidas in blue.  His left arm is not actually bent, it is a really weird effect caused by the tuning of the 3d/4d machine.  That is actually his wrist stump.  When she adjusted the settings, his hand came in to focus.  It was weird.  All of this was way more clear on the actual machine.

Leonidas with well defined pecs.  There are Zeus pieces on the right side of the image.

Leonidas's foot old school style.

This is actually an interesting image for those of you that care about the mechanics of the mono/di twins.  You can see Leonidas's profile traced in blue.  The yellow line is the membrane that separates the boys.  The red is Zeus's foot.  The membrane is not usually visible unless they really hunt around for it.

A more full body profile of Leonidas.  The blue circle above his head is either his hand or part of Zeus.

Here is the best shot the tech could get of Zeus.  Zeus's face was towards Leonidas's body, so all of the images of Zeus are blocked by the parts of Leonidas.  The red is Zeus.  You can see his hand in great detail by his ear/face.  You can see his legs curled up.  All of the blue blobs are Leonidas.  I'm not sure what is what exactly. 

Here is a creepy series of Zeus face pictures old school style.  They have more fat, so their face shots do not look as much like Halloween masks.

Zeus's face in red.  I believe some part of Leonidas in blue.  The purple is probably someone's arm or leg.  Again, most of these were way more clear while she was actually doing the scan.

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