Saturday, September 8, 2012

Anatomy Scan Results

Today we had the Anatomy Scan.  This was a long, detailed ultrasound.  After the tech had been taking images for about 45 minutes, she said,"All done." I got excited until she finished the sentence, "with baby A."   So it was another 45 minutes to get through measuring Zeus.  We then had to wait 20 minutes or so for the doctor to review the images.  Then we spent 5 minutes with the doctor.  3 of those were filled with the doctor asking Cody how pigs are slaughtered.  Another appointment, another discussion of farm animals.

There was really no news to report. The boys have all of their fingers, toes, hearts, kidneys, boy pieces etc...  The doctor said he didn't have any concerns right now.  They have an 8% difference in growth which is well within acceptable parameters.  Leonidas is 12 ounces and Zeus is 11 ounces.  I have nearly a pound and a half of baby total and I've gained 2 pounds.  I think that means I can up my strawberry shake and Snickers bar allotment.

The tech printed 16 images and I'll just post them all.  I'm a crazy first time mom, so weeding out less interesting images is impossible.

Here are the babies:

Here is the top of the baby heads.  You can see Leonidas's hand in between them.

A more clear image of the tops of their heads.  You can see how close they are.  One of them was poking the other with his finger during a big portion of the scan. 


His first profile shot.  It is way more clear than any of the previous scans have been. 

A second profile shot.  His nose looks a little different between the two images.  As long as he has a nose, I'm sure it is adorable.


On the left side, you can see his left arm and left hand.  On the right side, you can see his right arm only.  I don't know for sure which body part is with the arm, but I imagine it is his chest/belly.

The tech had to work to get the right hand image, and here it is.  He was giving up a thumbs up.

I will probably delete this picture once the family has had a chance to see it because.... yuck, I don't want to be that mom.  Maybe this image will satisfy Grandma enough to not take the usual naked baby shot after he is born... probably not.  Here is proof that we are having a boy!  His pieces are the bright white area below and to the right of the word boy.  The blobs to the left are probably Zeus.

His legs.  Left on the left and right on the right.

His feet.  You can see the shape of the left foot on the left side.  On the right side, his right foot is in between the long horizontal blobs in the middle.  Those horizontal blobs may be Zeus's legs... not sure.  There are a lot of body parts in my belly.


Zeus's first profile shot.  Either he is going to pick his nose or Leonidas is trying to punch him.  Either way, you can see a hand and an arm near his face.

His second profile shot. It looks like it must be his own hand.  Looks like we're adding another nose picker to the family.

His shoulder, arm, and hand.  I think this is 2 images of the same arm.  It looks like he's got some pretty nice guns already. 

His other arm and hand.  You can also see his rib cage in the lower right corner.

Again, I will probably delete this after the family has had a chance to see.  Our second boy!  I asked the tech if they measure the length of the parts.  She laughed and said not usually, but there are people that request it.  Fun fact of the day.  There is an arrow pointing to the applicable pieces.

Here is an absolutely adorable shot of his feet.  On the left image, you can see his little foot arch.  His feet are kind of crossed so you can see some of both feet on each side. 

Here is the bottom of his feet.  The one on the right looks a little weird.  Maybe he got my monkey feet and his big toe is just really far away from his other toes.

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