Friday, September 21, 2012

22 week Appointment: Growth Scan

My appointment today went very well.  Cody couldn't make it, so I asked my friend Amy if she wanted to go with me. It was nice to have company and she had never seen an ultrasound in real life. 
The ultrasound tech was very friendly.  I've had her before.  She is a lot more excited about how cute things are than some of the other techs.  She decided to take a few 3d pictures for us this time.  They look really creepy, but they are pretty cute if you don't think about it too much.  You can really see how crammed in there they are in 3d.  One baby is head up and one baby is head down.  That means a lot of the pictures of one's face is ruined by the other one's junk or butt.  They look bony and weird because they haven't started gaining their fat yet.  They are still just skin and bone.  Soon they will start filling out.
This is the best 3d picture we got.  You can see his face really well.  Since the boys are identical, you can just pretend this is also Zeus.  You can see Zeus's foot by Leonidas's ear on the left side.
This one is not as clear on Leonidas's face, but you can see more of Zeus's foot.

Here is a regular scan of his whole body.  His skull is on the left side and his legs are bent down on the right side.  You can see his spine along the top.

Here is a picture of his face looking straight at you.  His arm is bent above his head on the top.  On the right side, you can see his belly and his legs bent on the top and bottom.

Here is a less good image of Zeus.  I don't know what is by his ear, but I imagine it is just one of those things that shows up in this time of image.  He does not really have an elf ear.  You can see Leonidas's leg pressed against his face. 

 The doctor says the babies look good.  Their size is within 1% of each other which is very good.  They weigh about 15 oz each.  The doctor portion was very short, so that is pretty much all she said.  I go in for a doctor's appointment next week, so we can talk to the doctor more then if we come up with questions or concerns.

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