Wednesday, September 19, 2012

22 weeks: Stats

We've made it to 22 weeks.  We are just a couple of weeks away from them having a chance to survive outside of the womb if something happened.  I'm starting to get fairly big.  At least I'm starting to feel quite big.  I'm feeling pretty good right now.  I have to take a lot of rest breaks, but it sure beats how I felt earlier in the pregnancy.

Here is the belly:

How far along? 22 weeks !!

Baby's size? 2 Spaghetti Squashes!  (about  11 inches and nearly a pound each)

Total weight gain: 5 pounds (1 this week)

Belly circumference:   At the top: 37"   At the belly button:  41.5"   At the maximum: 42.25"

Belly Button Status:  Cody has developed a measuring methodology for belly button progress.  It involves 2 of those small straws that go in alcoholic drinks.  Ultimately, the belly button still appears to be getting shallower.

What I’m Wearing:  I’m officially getting a little too round for some pre-pregnancy t-shirts.  Some are too snug in the belly and some are just too short.  Maternity jeans are getting more comfortable.  I’m going to have a hard time going back to jeans with buttons and zippers. 

Symptoms:  I can’t really complain.  My biggest issue right now is occasionally not being able to breathe.  I assume it is because they are both head up and really high against my stomach and lungs.  Some days are worse than others.  Overall, I’m feeling pretty good.

Nausea:  My biggest issue with nausea now is when I eat too much.  I can only eat like 10 bites at a time or I feel so full I just want to throw up. 

Baby Movement:  Cody felt them move today!!!  It was funny to see his confused reaction.  I think he was expecting something more powerful.  He was pretty excited though.  Their movement is still not very steady overall.  They seem to be most active at around 2am, 6am, and 10am.  I’m not sure why these times, but they tend to wake me up with all their moving on this schedule.  Then they seem to sleep most of the day.   That should be a fun schedule when they are born!

How I'm Sleeping:  Well, I have to get up every 3-4 hours to pee.  The babies have their dance party every 4 hours overnight.  So, when those events line up, sleeping is going okay.  When they don’t line up, it can be pretty miserable.

Things I Miss:  I miss being able to sit in a chair comfortably for more than an hour.  When Cody and I went to watch the KSU game at the bar last weekend, I was so incredibly uncomfortable by half time.  I told Cody that it’s a really bad sign when I can’t even sit down anymore. 

Best moment this week:  We had a lot of fun watching the football game.  That is something that will be a lot more difficult when we have the boys.  We got to eat crappy food in bar stools and drink way too much beer (Cody) and half a glass of soda (me). 

Mood this week:  Considering I’m getting much less sleep, my mood has been fine.

Upcoming Appointments:  The growth scan is Friday.  It is a super fast appointment.  They pretty much just look at each baby’s head size, belly size, and femur length then look at their fluid levels.  It will be nice to see the babies again and I hope they are growing okay. 

What I'm Looking Forward To:  Well, Cassie is coming up to visit next week.  That should be fun.  Cody still hasn’t seen Colt, so it will be fun to see how he handles having a baby in the house for a few days.

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