Monday, January 7, 2013

Pictures and Updates

We are still trapped here with no end date in sight.  Everyone keeps coming in and telling us we will leave  "soon".  They've been using this word, "soon," for about a week and a half.  I've started just telling them that I don't think they know what soon means.  One of the nurses switched to eventually.  It seems like eventually is a much more accurate word for our home date.  Although, I've begun to feel like eventually is a lie as well. I'm pretty sure the boys will be here forever.  

We are really... really.... really ready to go home.  Monday will be 4 weeks.  We've been here for a whole freaking month.  I'm getting significantly worse at hiding my frustration and rage.

Anyway, here are some pictures and stories of our last week or so.

We celebrated New Years Eve here at the hospital.  The boys were going crazy, so we didn't get up to the room until right before midnight.  We didn't think to chill the champagne before we went down for the day, so we had midnight champagne out of plastic hospital cups with crushed ice.  Cheers!

Cody's work sent us a beautiful arrangement of flowers.  This is not a very good photo because we have insanely bad lighting in our room.  The blue flowers are actually purple.  It is great to have around.  Unfortunately, we can't keep it in the NICU, so we don't see it very often.  It makes our room smell great though!

Alex sleeping.  This is one of the first photos after his feeding tube was removed.

Another one of Alex sleeping.  Cody was holding him while he played a game on his computer.  Alex was pretty out of it.

Ben sleeping.  We thought this was a hilarious way for him to sleep.  He definitely knows how to strike a pose.

Ben awake.  He is probably being burped.  That would explain the position and the weird face.

Ben sleeping on my lap.

Ben on the left and Alex on the right.  I took a series of these photos trying to get a good one of them making a similar face, but it totally did not work.  This was one of the more relaxed faces for Alex.  As I took more pictures, he got more and more wound up.  Eventually he was making a crazy cry face while Ben just slept away.  

This picture is misleading.  It almost looks like Alex is happy.  Really, he is just taking in a breath of air before he starts crying/screaming loudly.  Alex is a good baby.  He is usually the quieter one.  This particular photo shoot just happened to be at a bad time for him.

We are doing okay.  We are just really ready to leave.  I'm tired of everyone telling me I need to go rest because I won't rest when we get home.  I'd kill to be getting no rest but have my babies at home.  I don't want to rest.  I want to sit with my babies in my underwear on my couch.  I promise I will not post a picture of that when I finally get my wish.

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