Tuesday, January 8, 2013

How I Know I'm Becoming a Mommy

Today after nursing the boys I noticed a big wet spot on my t-shirt. 

Me:  Hey Cody, is this pee?
Cody: How would I know?
Me: (smelling shirt) I think this is pee.  Do you think he peed on me?
Cody: I don't know
Me:  (smelling shirt more vigorously) Here, smell this.  I think it is pee.
Cody:  No.

We never did figure out if it was pee.  Cody changed his diaper and we moved on.  But, I didn't get grossed out.  I didn't gag.  I didn't yell at the baby for peeing on me.  I stood there in the NICU smelling my shirt for probably 2 minutes trying to decide if it was pee.  Thinking about it now, there is really nothing that it could be except pee. 

Moral of the story: I spent an awfully long time today with my face against a pee cloth.

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