Thursday, August 30, 2012

Power Company Redeems Itself

Today I was visited by a very nice man that works for the power company.  He is from the small town office that deals with our area.  I guess the people that told Cody they would not help at all were from the general Omaha area call center.  Cody had left a message on this guy's answering machine before he contacted the general call center.  The man that stopped by today offered to shut off power to the box while we reattach it next time we try.  I'm sure we'll probably just try to reattach it with the power on, but it was very nice of him to offer.  We like to live on the edge.

So, thank you Craig from the local power company.  You've restored my faith in customer service.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

19 Week Appointment: Meet the MFM

We finally got to officially meet one of the MFMs at our new clinic for a 19 week appointment.  Everything went fine, I guess. 

We spent 2 hours in the exam room before the doctor came in.  I guess they were already running behind, and then the doctor went into the wrong room and took an appointment that should have been after me.  I haven't had such a long wait when I went in for ultrasounds at the clinic, so I'm hoping it was just one of those days.  Cody and I trapped in a little room with no sounds, distractions, or activities is really not a great idea.  Top that off with my normal off schedule nausea and we are really lucky we both made it out alive. 

Other than that, the doctor explained his concerns with my type of twins.  He seems mostly focused on premature labor/birth and less concerned with anything else.  He doesn't really seem to want to worry about anything or discuss anything until we find an actual problem.  He did tell me he wants me to gain 40-50 pounds.  I'm finally back at my pre-pregnancy weight after losing weight during my morning sickness struggles.  I believe I'm actually up about 1 pound now. 

He did a quick ultrasound to make sure they were still okay.  They both still have heart beats and are flopping around in there.  He poked my belly while doing the ultrasound and you could see the babies move away from the pokes.  Since it was early afternoon, I'm sure they were taking a nap.  That's what I wanted to be doing.

He said everything else looks okay for now.  We'll know more after our big anatomy scan in early September. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Cody Tries to Kill Himself and Catch the House on Fire

Before I got pregnant, we took on some pretty major home repair projects.  I've been so sick that the projects got put aside. Now that I'm feeling a little better (and the neighbors are getting tired of our mess....) we have started making some progress again.  The biggest project left is finishing the siding on the house.  Tonight, Cody decided to work on the area behind the power company's meter box.  And so our tale begins....

I was sitting in the house taking care of something for my mom when suddenly the electricity surged. I'm no electrician, but I knew that the room suddenly getting very bright was not a good sign.  I rushed outside as quickly as my giant pregnant body would allow me to escape from the recliner.  When I got outside, Cody was wide eyed and bushy tailed.  His ear hair was apparently singed because he was so close to the box when his accident happened.  I asked a few questions: Are you okay? What happened? Why did you do that?  I'm not promising that Are you okay? was the first question, but it was one of the first few. 

It turns out that as he was trying to reattach the power box to the house, the mounting screw fell off of the screw gun and landed in the perfectly horrible spot nestled between the terminals inside the meter box.  I guess it caused some sort of arc and "burned" the screw on the terminals.  I've asked him to explain this screw situation, but I REALLY don't understand any of the words he used.  The end result was that the screw was not moving from the spot without sticking something into the exposed power stuff.

Life lesson #1: The power company will not help you if you do this.  The box is not theirs, it is yours.  If you call to ask for assistance, they will tell you to get an electrician.

Life lesson #2: If they have to turn off the power for you and/or your electrician to stick your hands in your box, the city (or whatever governing body) must come out to reinspect the entire house before they can turn your power back on.

Note to life lesson #2: Because of the projects I mentioned before, there is no way our house would pass inspection.  Yes, Cody stole wiring from our basement to fix the mystery wiring issue caused by our house painter turned general contractor of our home.  Yes, it happened months ago but he still hasn't fixed said wiring salvage.

Cody decided to take this as a personal challenge to get that screw out himself.  I would like to note that during my crying and pleading to call an electrician, I did tell him I'd rather pay the money for professionals to do it than risk his death.  I had these horrible scenarios go through my head involving me on the news discussing how the father of my unborn twins poked around in the power box and died and left my children fatherless.  Is the power company at fault?  (Yes..... I can't believe they say that box is ours not theirs) I hope I would make a sympathetic news interviewee.

So, Cody scowered the yard for non conductive materials to stick into the box in order to get the screw out.  I cried and begged to call an electrician.  He asked for a flashlight.  I refused. He put on those stupid mesh gloves with the orange hand grips that you use to not get splinters when you handle wood.  I went to find out when our Home Warranty expired.... 3 days ago.  At some point I guess he shoved a scrap piece of vinyl siding near/under the screw.  It was starting to get really dark, so I finally convinced Cody to come in the house and deal with it tomorrow.  He said fine and yanked out the piece of siding.....

And the screw fell out.

Cody did not die.  The house did not burn down. 

Leonidas, and Zeus,and I are still angry.

(It was a lot more scary than this post makes it sound!)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

18 Week Appointment

Yesterday was my first growth ultrasound with the new doctor.  Cody was not able to go with me, but he really didn't miss much.  I have so many appointments, poor Cody is going to have to miss plenty.  Anyway, they measured the head, stomach, and femur of each baby.  They also checked heart beats, fluid levels, and general positioning things.  The doctor said I would get another growth scan in 4 weeks, so the babies must have checked out okay.  They did verify that they are still boys.  My boys are not shy about showing their parts.

The images from the ultrasound are not that great, but here they are for anyone interested:

Baby A:
The Bottom of Little Feet.  The toes are facing down and to the left.

A little hand with fingers on the right side.  I'm not sure what is to the left, it might  be a creepy face shot. 
 Baby A's profile looking down.  You can see his spine and little legs.  He must not have been in a great position for pictures because this is all I got of Baby A.

Baby B:
Here is a picture of his face.  This is one of the least creepy ultrasound face pictures I have ever seen.  Usually their bones show up bright white so they get a creepy Halloween mask look, but he looks pretty okay in this shot.  The top of his head is to the right and his body is to the left.
 Here is one of the creepy Halloween mask face pictures.  You can see his eye sockets and chin shape.  His arms are near his face.

This is a profile of Baby B looking up.  You can see his heart in his chest.  You can also see little fingers near his mouth.

Baby B must have flipped, because here is a shot of him facing down.  You can see his spine pretty clearly.  He was a little twisted so it looks a little weird. 

Things have otherwise been pretty okay.  My sickness has decreased considerably.  I am patiently waiting to start feeling them move.  It could start any time now. 
We will probably start taking belly growth pictures and posting them weekly.  I do wish we would have started a little bit sooner. 

I have my first real appointment with my new high risk OB next Tuesday.  Cody is going to try to make it to that appointment.  Hopefully the doctor can answer some questions about how we are going to deal with the next 20 weeks. 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Gender Reveal

When Cody found out the sex of our babies, he decided he wouldn't be able to keep it in so we might as well announce to everyone.  I kind of figured that would happen.

We're having 2 little BOYS!!!!!!

Here is a link to watch the ultrasound on youtube:

The first thing the doctor does is look for heart beats.  He stops and points at each when he finds it.  You mostly just see their torsos.  Next he talks about the membrane between the babies.  Then you get a good shot of each boy's goods.  You can see their little feet kicking each other. 

We are super happy.  Now Cody will just have to learn to share his toys.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

16 Week Appointment and Gender Discovery

I had an appointment on Tuesday with my (now former) OB to get my official and final referral to the Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) clinic in Omaha.  My doctor and those in his practice are just not comfortable keeping me because of my mono/di twins. 

The appointment turned out to be pretty exciting.  Cody was going to try to make it because we get an ultrasound every time and he wanted to see the babies, but he just couldn't make it out of work.  I told him not to worry because this was not a really important appointment.  I was wrong!  When the doctor gave me an ultrasound to check for the heart beats, our babies were showing their private parts clearly and proudly.  They kept their faces hidden, but both of them were really showing the goods.  Thankfully, the doctor is really laid back and had no problem with me recording the ultrasound so Cody got to experience it a little bit when he got home.  Cody doesn't really want to share the sex with everyone, but we'll see if he changes his mind now that he knows.  They are both the same sex, which is good since they are probably identical.

Other than that, the appointment was fine.  The babies are getting really big.  They looked fine as far as the quick ultrasound showed. I got the results of my NT scan from a couple of weeks ago, and everything looks normal.  My risk was something like 1:10,000 which is on the very low end.  We discussed how I've been considerably more sick the last few weeks, and he said it was as normal as anything is in pregnancy.  He sent a refill in for my Zofran and gave me a lot more pills this time.  Hopefully things will start getting better soon. 

My next appointment is a growth scan at 18 weeks.  I will probably have my appointment to meet my new doctors then too. 

I'm currently taking the audio off of the ultrasounds, and I will post a link when they are ready.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

My Pregnancy Brain Works in Mysterious Ways

Cody and I had a very fun adventure over the last weekend and early this week.  Cody lost his wallet!!!  We went to get Mexican carryout on Friday and when we went to the store Sunday Cody's wallet was gone. 

We went around and around trying to figure out where the wallet was and/or why he would be so silly to drop his wallet on the ground outside of the Mexican food place.  He has set a precedent for this.  A few months ago, he dropped his wallet out of the car in our driveway on his way to work and so his wallet was in our driveway all day.  I was filled with as much rage as my sick, pregnant body could muster.  Not really, I sort of figured we would find it dropped in the back yard, or stuck in the detached garage or something related to Cody working on the house this weekend.  Cody was very sad because he loves that wallet.  He has had it since before we met in college and it still looks new. 

Sunday, we looked in all of the places we might expect to find the wallet.  We checked places where it might fall and places that we normally stash things.  We dug through all of the laundry and checked pockets of every item of clothing Cody owns with pockets.

Monday, I was way too sick to look for the wallet.  Cody called the Mexican restaurant to see if it had been turned in, but of course it had not.  Cody's sadness at the thought of having to replace the wallet was building.  Never mind all of the credit cards, insurance card, driver's license, and cash that were also missing.... He loves that wallet!

Tuesday was still a pretty bad day for me in terms of morning (all day) sickness, but it was desperate times.  I spent hours alternating between searching and throwing up.  I found a lot of things that I had been missing: a single flip flop, my old brush, and an allergy medicine I'm no longer supposed to take.  That wallet  was no where to be found. 

Finally.... FINALLY.... I found the wallet!!!

It turns out, I'm the one that "lost" the wallet in the first place.  Apparently when I was picking up on Sunday, I decided to put Cody's wallet up.  Normally, I put all of Cody's items in the bag he takes to work.  Every other item that had been on the table with the wallet was tucked safely in his bag.  Somewhere in my crazy brain, I decided that the best place for his wallet was in my kitchen cabinets tucked safely behind the toaster oven that we haven't used in over a year.  So sometime between picking up the kitchen Sunday at noon and leaving for the store at about 2, I forgot that I put his wallet in my kitchen cabinets. 

Cody was a super good daddy-to-be and teased me about it very little.  He was not angry and he did not laugh at me.... too much. 

These babies better be awesome!