Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Pulling Up!

 The boys are officially pulling up on their own.  On Everything.  It happened quickly over the last few days. 

It started with these low crouches. They were trying to pull up, but everything was too tall.  I got some boxes for them to use.  That way I could control how tall the base would be.  This box is full of magazines and books so it wouldn't tip over when they pulled on it.  After they started this crouch, Alex managed to pull his body on the box and slid off the other side like a slip and slide.  He was not very impressed.

They got REALLY banged up as they were learning to pull up and stand.  It really looks like I'm torturing them.  I swear, I'm not hurting them!  It is very difficult to manage two babies that can crawl and pull up in locations far apart.  Ben is on the left.  The yellow circle is his drool.  They are getting their top 2 teeth on top of this fun.  He has a cut near his left eye from the box.  Alex is on the right.  He has 2.. yes 2.. bruises on his FOREHEAD.  I didn't even know you could get such good bruises on a forehead.  The blue circles are the bruises.  Those came from hitting the floor.  The purple circles on his face are around injuries caused by the box.  Looking at all the box related injuries, maybe a box wasn't a great idea. 
The box doubles as an area to practice picking up Cheerios.  They are getting better.  It is amazing how much effort and coordination are involved in picking up cereal and putting it in your mouth.

Alex loving on Ben 

Good thing Cody put up the baby gate this weekend!  On Tuesday morning, Alex crawled over to the baby gate and pulled himself up while I was changing Ben out of his night clothes.

Naps are not going so well.  Why?  This is why.  I put the baby in the crib and then he goes bananas.  The first thing they do is sit up.  Then they start banging on their mobile.  Eventually, they stand up and start talking.  They have fallen too many times from standing in the crib, so I think they are afraid to get down.  When they are done standing, they start scream crying until I put them back down on the mattress.

Troublemakers.  Alex dark blue, Ben light blue

Here they are now with the box.  They can hold on it with one hand and not lean on it.  Occasionally they will even lift their hand off and just stand or flail their arms around for a second.  They are starting to realize they can't get things on the floor unless they bend.  That has reduced head bruises.


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