Wednesday, August 21, 2013

First Real Bath and Loving on Each Other

Here are some more update pictures.  I didn't want to put them with the pulling up post because pulling up deserves its own space.
Ben practicing holding the bottle himself.  Pretty close.
(Most of the stuff on the floor is stuff they play with.  They like to play with my shoes and I was encouraging them to crawl with the thermos because it rolls away when they grab it.)
I walked in on Ben going crazy in his pack and play after a nap.  He was smooshing his face on the side and talking up a storm.  Hilarious.

Alex loving on Cody

Alex orange Ben white.  I know we have a lot of junk everywhere, but that's all the crap they play with.  That includes the boxes and coat hangers.


Ben on left.  Alex on right

They turn their heads together to look at things like kittens looking at laser pointers.  This time they both looked over at Shep.

Ben kissing Alex

1st together bath without their baby tub!  They had a lot of fun.  It was significantly less stressful than one of them in the baby tub alone. 

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