Monday, August 5, 2013

Cody's Family Visits

I don't usually post about visitors, but I wanted Cody's family to have a chance to see the pictures of the babies together.  I didn't get many, but some are pretty cute. 

I tried to cut out as much as my mother in law and sister in law as possible.  They may not want to be internet blog stars.  That cut off some of their heads sometimes, but whatever.  You know what the top of a head looks like.

Ben and Cousin (Cousin is a little over 13 months old)  I LOVE the face Cousin is making. 

Ben and Cousin

Ben and Cousin.  Ben was actually smiling and laughing too.  He just hides his joy behind chew toys.

Ben with his hand on Cousin's knee.
Cousin, Ben, Alex

Cousin, Ben, Alex

Cousin, Ben, Alex.  This is the closest to a happy shot I got of all 3.  Again, you may refer to my previous posts about the trials and tribulations of 2 or 3 baby photography.

Mother in Law feeding babies.  She's used to feeding one baby.  Two babies can get a little messy.  You have to move fast or the baby waiting will start grunting and waving his arms around.

Cousin, Alex in orange, Ben in blue.  Cousin played with the twins a lot better than I expected.  He did get tired of it after a while, but he did well.

Mother in Law's hand on the right.  Cousin watching the twins chat or watching MIL.  Not sure which.  My boys were chatting together pretty well.  Alex (in orange) kept trying to talk to Cousin, but Cousin wasn't very interested in whatever Alex had to say.

Occasionally, Cousin did use his size and strength to grab something interesting that the babies were playing with. Please excuse my construction mess.  My house is actually less of a disaster area than it was before.

3 baby photography at its finest.

Ben and Alex with no Cousin to hide my junk box of tiles.


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