Friday, August 30, 2013

Sleepy Baby

This is what happens when Alex skips a nap. 
The noise coming from Ben was the hurry up and feed me noise.  They are impatient little monsters when it comes to eating.  Ben was in a good mood while Alex was nodding off in his chair.
Ben.  They can feed themselves Cheerios.  You can see the one in his mouth.  Alex uses both of his hands and tries to grab as many as he can at once and shove as many as he can into his mouth.  Ben gingerly takes his thumb and finger and carefully picks up one.  Then he sits with it for a moment before carefully putting it in his mouth.  (Alex can feed himself one at a time like he is supposed to, he just doesn't always)
Both babies like to sit on the a/c vent.  Alex sat there playing with a cup for like an hour yesterday.  I tried moving him, but he would just crawl back to the vent.  (They were not there because of the window.  The other door has a window also with no a/c vent)  This is exactly what I would do if I were a baby.  They must run hot like mommy.  When they finally got off the vent, their little legs were really, really cold to the touch.

They play with stuff together a lot.  Very cute.  I think Alex is on the left and Ben on the right, but I'm not sure.

The boys had a doctor's appointment.  Alex is 18.5 pounds.  Ben is a little under 18 pounds.  She was very happy with their growth and development.  We had them on the exam table together.  They managed to completely destroy that tissue paper liner they put on those beds.  The doctor came in and they were both sitting there eating the bed liner.  Weird babies.  Then they both sat facing her and started talking to her together.  Very cute.  Those appointments take so long, I eventually give in and let the boys do anything that keeps them quiet.  That includes playing on the floor of an exam room apparently.  (Yuck)

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Baby Video

The boys are pretty awesome.  Here is a typical morning for us nowadays:
Ben is the one on the left.  He wrestles Alex down as Alex tries to stand.  Then he tries to give him head kisses.  Eventually, Alex crawls away and Ben stands.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

First Real Bath and Loving on Each Other

Here are some more update pictures.  I didn't want to put them with the pulling up post because pulling up deserves its own space.
Ben practicing holding the bottle himself.  Pretty close.
(Most of the stuff on the floor is stuff they play with.  They like to play with my shoes and I was encouraging them to crawl with the thermos because it rolls away when they grab it.)
I walked in on Ben going crazy in his pack and play after a nap.  He was smooshing his face on the side and talking up a storm.  Hilarious.

Alex loving on Cody

Alex orange Ben white.  I know we have a lot of junk everywhere, but that's all the crap they play with.  That includes the boxes and coat hangers.


Ben on left.  Alex on right

They turn their heads together to look at things like kittens looking at laser pointers.  This time they both looked over at Shep.

Ben kissing Alex

1st together bath without their baby tub!  They had a lot of fun.  It was significantly less stressful than one of them in the baby tub alone. 

Pulling Up!

 The boys are officially pulling up on their own.  On Everything.  It happened quickly over the last few days. 

It started with these low crouches. They were trying to pull up, but everything was too tall.  I got some boxes for them to use.  That way I could control how tall the base would be.  This box is full of magazines and books so it wouldn't tip over when they pulled on it.  After they started this crouch, Alex managed to pull his body on the box and slid off the other side like a slip and slide.  He was not very impressed.

They got REALLY banged up as they were learning to pull up and stand.  It really looks like I'm torturing them.  I swear, I'm not hurting them!  It is very difficult to manage two babies that can crawl and pull up in locations far apart.  Ben is on the left.  The yellow circle is his drool.  They are getting their top 2 teeth on top of this fun.  He has a cut near his left eye from the box.  Alex is on the right.  He has 2.. yes 2.. bruises on his FOREHEAD.  I didn't even know you could get such good bruises on a forehead.  The blue circles are the bruises.  Those came from hitting the floor.  The purple circles on his face are around injuries caused by the box.  Looking at all the box related injuries, maybe a box wasn't a great idea. 
The box doubles as an area to practice picking up Cheerios.  They are getting better.  It is amazing how much effort and coordination are involved in picking up cereal and putting it in your mouth.

Alex loving on Ben 

Good thing Cody put up the baby gate this weekend!  On Tuesday morning, Alex crawled over to the baby gate and pulled himself up while I was changing Ben out of his night clothes.

Naps are not going so well.  Why?  This is why.  I put the baby in the crib and then he goes bananas.  The first thing they do is sit up.  Then they start banging on their mobile.  Eventually, they stand up and start talking.  They have fallen too many times from standing in the crib, so I think they are afraid to get down.  When they are done standing, they start scream crying until I put them back down on the mattress.

Troublemakers.  Alex dark blue, Ben light blue

Here they are now with the box.  They can hold on it with one hand and not lean on it.  Occasionally they will even lift their hand off and just stand or flail their arms around for a second.  They are starting to realize they can't get things on the floor unless they bend.  That has reduced head bruises.


Thursday, August 15, 2013

Eating, Pooping, and More!

Things have been going well.  The boys are growing and developing well.  Alex is sitting up on his own.  Ben is getting there, but he isn't quite doing it yet.  (Edited: Ben actually sat up on his own while I was typing the original post.  Go Ben!) They are eating a lot of new foods really well.  They are not fans of bananas.  They are both really pulling up on everything.  They don't always make it up, but they are really interested. 
Ways my babies are like my old rabbit:
1.  They both like to chew on every cord they can get access to.
2.  They chew the crap out of your finger when you try to handle them.
3.  They poop on my floor.
Yes, they poop on my floor.  I was giving the boys a little naked booty time.  They are down to 1 poop every 1-2 days.  He had already gone that day so I felt safe.  Too safe it seems.  I went to pick him up and nearly cried.  Babies are disgusting.
My 3 boys.  Ben in green Alex in grey
Ben.  They boys LOVE the camera.  When they see it come out, they get excited like this and start crawling over to grab it.  That makes taking pictures of anything other than crawling towards me difficult.


Ben left.  Alex right
I threw this one in so you can see how far their teeth have come in.  I'm pretty sure they are both getting 1 or 2 on the top right now as well.  This has been a bit of a whiney week.  Ben with teeth Alex in back

I think this one is hilarious.  Ben's face coupled with Alex messing with his backside really tells a story.

Ben left Alex right.  This is a rare both smiling picture. 

The next 2 pictures go together.
1st:  Ben in front Alex reaching from behind for a hug

2nd.  Baby hug not accepted.  They both get really lovey with the other, but not usually at the same time.  One will reach over and hug or kiss the other.  The one getting hugged or kissed starts screaming like he is being murdered.  I don't know why they never do it when they are both in the mood for affection.

Feeding has been going really well.  Mostly.  Some feedings go better than others.  Alex has discovered the joys of blowing raspberries while eating.  You can see all the splatters on his tray from raspberrying while eating.

Ben tends to rub his face while he eats.  You can see his has food all the way up to his eyes.  I regularly have to clean green beans out of his eyelashes.

Ben in green Alex in white 

Ben crawled over to the top of the stairs.  Shep usually hangs out there.  He was not happy to have Ben join him.  Time to put up the baby gate!

Alex in white Ben in green.  I gave them a few boxes to play with since they started trying to pull up.  They are too short to get a good hold on our couch and we don't have a coffee table or any other low table.  Boxes seem to work.  The one they usually use is now full of books and magazines so it doesn't tip over.

Alex crawled his way behind the futon and was hanging out over the a/c vent.  You could see his little hair blowing in the wind.

Video Time!!
One of the best baby videos you will ever see.  ever.
Ben on the left Alex on the right
Alex in white Ben in green/yellow.  This is one  of those times Ben was more playful than Alex.
Alex crawling.  He is fast.  This video doesn't show him moving that fast, but a lot faster than he used to.
Ben in the activity thing.  Alex on the floor.
Alex on the floor.  He sits up on his own.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Standing without Assistance

The boys have been a lot like little monkeys lately.  They have both pulled up from sitting using me sitting near them as support.  They like to stand up and hug my neck.  I feel like a mommy monkey with a baby hanging from her neck.

They stay standing on their own really well if you set them up.  They won't stand forever by any means, but they will stand for quite a while if they are in a good position and interested in something.

Taking pictures of 2 babies learning to stand is a lot harder than pictures of 2 babies learning to sit.  I do have quite a few funny blooper pictures. 


Ben and Alex.  Alex looks a lot bigger, but I think that's just because he was on his toes a little bit and the shirt fills him out more.  I'm pretty sure they aren't that much different in size.

Alex sat up himself yesterday.  I was pretty pumped about that.  I think Ben might have also, but I didn't watch it happen. 
Ben may be skipping learning to crawl in a less ridiculous way and going straight to standing.  He gets around fine using their method, but he now wants to be standing all. the. time.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Cody's Family Visits

I don't usually post about visitors, but I wanted Cody's family to have a chance to see the pictures of the babies together.  I didn't get many, but some are pretty cute. 

I tried to cut out as much as my mother in law and sister in law as possible.  They may not want to be internet blog stars.  That cut off some of their heads sometimes, but whatever.  You know what the top of a head looks like.

Ben and Cousin (Cousin is a little over 13 months old)  I LOVE the face Cousin is making. 

Ben and Cousin

Ben and Cousin.  Ben was actually smiling and laughing too.  He just hides his joy behind chew toys.

Ben with his hand on Cousin's knee.
Cousin, Ben, Alex

Cousin, Ben, Alex

Cousin, Ben, Alex.  This is the closest to a happy shot I got of all 3.  Again, you may refer to my previous posts about the trials and tribulations of 2 or 3 baby photography.

Mother in Law feeding babies.  She's used to feeding one baby.  Two babies can get a little messy.  You have to move fast or the baby waiting will start grunting and waving his arms around.

Cousin, Alex in orange, Ben in blue.  Cousin played with the twins a lot better than I expected.  He did get tired of it after a while, but he did well.

Mother in Law's hand on the right.  Cousin watching the twins chat or watching MIL.  Not sure which.  My boys were chatting together pretty well.  Alex (in orange) kept trying to talk to Cousin, but Cousin wasn't very interested in whatever Alex had to say.

Occasionally, Cousin did use his size and strength to grab something interesting that the babies were playing with. Please excuse my construction mess.  My house is actually less of a disaster area than it was before.

3 baby photography at its finest.

Ben and Alex with no Cousin to hide my junk box of tiles.