This is what happens when Alex skips a nap.
The noise coming from Ben was the hurry up and feed me noise. They are impatient little monsters when it comes to eating. Ben was in a good mood while Alex was nodding off in his chair.
Ben. They can feed themselves Cheerios. You can see the one in his mouth. Alex uses both of his hands and tries to grab as many as he can at once and shove as many as he can into his mouth. Ben gingerly takes his thumb and finger and carefully picks up one. Then he sits with it for a moment before carefully putting it in his mouth. (Alex can feed himself one at a time like he is supposed to, he just doesn't always)
Both babies like to sit on the a/c vent. Alex sat there playing with a cup for like an hour yesterday. I tried moving him, but he would just crawl back to the vent. (They were not there because of the window. The other door has a window also with no a/c vent) This is exactly what I would do if I were a baby. They must run hot like mommy. When they finally got off the vent, their little legs were really, really cold to the touch.
They play with stuff together a lot. Very cute. I think Alex is on the left and Ben on the right, but I'm not sure.
The boys had a doctor's appointment. Alex is 18.5 pounds. Ben is a little under 18 pounds. She was very happy with their growth and development. We had them on the exam table together. They managed to completely destroy that tissue paper liner they put on those beds. The doctor came in and they were both sitting there eating the bed liner. Weird babies. Then they both sat facing her and started talking to her together. Very cute. Those appointments take so long, I eventually give in and let the boys do anything that keeps them quiet. That includes playing on the floor of an exam room apparently. (Yuck)