Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Baby First: Climbing on the Futon

Ben orange Alex blue

We've had another exciting development.  The babies can now climb on to the futon by themselves.

They were in their room playing while I was getting their lunch ready.  I heard some light giggling, so I wasn't really worried about them getting in to trouble.  When I was ready for them to come eat, I walked in to their room.  They were sitting together on the futon!  They were literally sitting RIGHT next to each other and giggling back and forth.   It was one of the cutest things I've ever seen them do.  I ran to get the camera, but they had moved by the time I got back.  As usual.

I watched them for a while.  Alex rolled off the futon (there were pillows on the floor for him to roll on) and then crawled back up. Ben got off by crawling face first.  He hit the pillows and kept crawling.

Babies are awesome.


Ben orange Alex blue

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