Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July!

Here are the boys celebrating their first 4th of July!
Alex in orange Ben in blue
It took a lot of work to get that picture.  Here is the 2nd runner up.
Here is a taste of what it is like to try to get 2 babies just learning to sit up to take a picture sitting up with a hat on in the grass:
oops one fell and one lost his hat

one is upset and one is looking off the wrong direction

one fell down and took the other with him

Cody is NOT amused by this exercise.  Also, he is chewing gum.  He chews it with his mouth open.  Gross.  One baby upset, one husband upset, one baby okay

This one is okay but they are looking the wrong way

As difficult as it was to take one with the hats, getting  a picture of teeth is even harder.
Alex's 2 bottom teeth

Ben's 2 bottom teeth

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