Thursday, July 18, 2013

7 months!

I don't know what kind of update I'll be able to manage, so I'll just upload pictures first and then try to do explanations.  The babies have been crazy lately.

This is one of the best pictures of them together that I've ever seen.  Unfortunately, Ben's black and white patterned shirt does not photograph well!  Those are straight lines, not swirly lines.  Ben in black Alex in white.
Ben (maybe) posing.  They are VERY good at sitting now. We will just say they are officially sitters.  They will sit and play for 20 minutes or more if they are in the mood. 
Alex (maybe) giving you his best smile.
They are both starting to "crawl."  Alex is just a little bit better than Ben, but Ben is getting there also.  I'm using this picture to explain how they do it, and why I am putting quotes around crawl.  It is not really crawling, but it is definite forward progress.  The progress is incredibly slow though.  They move inches at a time.  Say he were to move to get the green circle in front of him:
 Step 1: pull his right leg up toward his belly a little bit (not all the way just enough to extend)
Step 2: reach out left arm
Step 3: extend right leg and extend right toes (toes are what make the most progress)
Step 4: extend left arm as far as it will go
Step 5: if he hasn't reached the circle, repeat steps 1-4
Basically, they are moving with a little bit of leg extension, a lot of toe extension, and some arm stretching.  It is very slow and happens in short bursts like lunges, but they will cross the whole room that way.  Slowly.

Update: Even better, I was able to catch him moving for something on video.  It isn't the best shot, but next time I post a video he might have a better method of movement.  Here is Alex "crawling":
I've posted before about how their favorite toy is that red circle thing.  I've posted lots of pictures of them chewing on it.  They have started getting REALLY good at stealing from each other.  This causes a lot of crying.  We were going to stay at Cody's parents house for a while for harvest, so Cody bought a toy just like the red one only it is blue.  The first time there was an argument over the red one, we gave the other baby the blue one.  Problem solved, right?  Wrong.  Now they don't play with either toy.  The red toy is now ignored.  Here are some pictures of their new favorite toys:
Alex with a wireless computer mouse.  They LOVE to grab at the computer mouse.
This thing that used to hang from their activity center.

A baby clothes hanger, a diaper, and an empty bag of wipes.

You can see Alex fiercely guarding his activity thing.  Ben is plotting his attack. 

Brother's ear makes a fun toy!  Alex grabbing Ben

The space under a reclining couch and a power cord.  You can see Alex brought the baby hanger under there with him.

Soft books.  Ben with the soft book Alex with the crinkle blanket.

Ben with a larger baby outfit hanger and a wipes bag.

Here is a picture from harvest.  Cody was in the combine.  It's not really a picture of anything specific, but he really enjoys going back to the farm to help out. 
We had our first 4th of July with the babies.  Our Homeowner's Association had its 2nd annual fireworks over the lake.  Our house faces the lake.  There is an empty lot across the street from us, then a house, a street, and another house then the lake.  That is how close we were to fireworks.  This isn't the best picture, but cell phones don't seem to take great pictures of fireworks.  Alex had a little melt down before they started and fell asleep.  He slept through the whole thing.  Ben stayed out there with us.  It was pretty loud, but he did pretty well.
Cody and Ben sitting in the dark in our driveway waiting for the show to start.  There are less funny faced pictures, but I really like this one.


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