Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Cody brought the plague back into our house.  He got sick for a few days and then I was sick for a few days.  Amazingly, the boys have not gotten sick yet.  I hope it stays that way.  They either have awesome immune systems or we do a REALLY good job washing our hands and stuff when we're sick. 

The boys are doing really well.  We missed their 4 month appointment because we were sick, but I'll reschedule it soon.  Alex is over 14 lbs and Ben is probably getting pretty close to 14 lbs.  They now smile a lot and giggle a lot.  I'll sometimes get a giggle for no reason.  Those are the best. 

I haven't had much time to update, or to take pictures much less post them.  Here are a few.  I might add some more to this post later.  It takes an insanely long time to upload pictures because of our pitiful internet speed out here in the middle of nowhere. 


They are all pretty much the same, and he has the same big globs of slobber... but I think they are adorable. 

This one was taken a few weeks ago.  He may have grown a lot since then.

Here is a picture of the time I let him play with a peanut wrapper.  Like a good mom married to a man that deals with programs to monitor allergens in food going to school kids.
Here is a video.  I'm not sure how this works.  I haven't posted one this way before.  Just click on the play button.  (I didn't check this video before I posted it. I thought it was one of him giggling.  I watched it after I posted, and I think it is just awesome enough to keep up. Babies are awesome. Enjoy!)
Cody's mom asked us if we wanted chairs like these.  I looked at my insane amount of baby crap, and said thanks but we'll probably be okay without one.  Well, I decided to break down and get one.  The boys need some time off the back of their heads. They look super cute sitting in it.  Their bellies are not quite ready to be squished into sitting though.  We've gotten some pretty impressive amounts of spitup if we let one sit there too long.

He got stuck in a cup.  They aren't great at sitting yet.
I'll try to see if I have more pictures or video later.  Cody has just been hassling me about putting more pictures up.  I'm not sure why.  He can look at the pictures anytime here, but it is not the same.
We'll probably be planning trips in to KC and Lincoln soonish.  We were waiting for rainy weekends, but it seems to only rain on week days.

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