Thursday, February 28, 2013

New Pics

Here is a quick picture update while I have a few minutes.  I'll come back and fill in things later.

I've been sick.  Now Cody might be sick.  So far, the boys are not sick.

Alex dancing in his swing
Here are some bath time pics.  Their dignity was maintained with a well positioned wash cloth and then I cropped out most of the wash cloth that you can see.  It is important to note that I do not have any pictures of the boys in their birthday suit.
Alex enjoying a bath

Ben playing around at first

Ben thinking about getting upset

Ben getting more serious about being upset

Ben upset

Ben sleeping on Cody

Alex sleeping by me

Not sure, maybe Alex?

Not sure, maybe Ben?

Not sure, maybe Alex?  I like when they do weird fancy things with their hands like this.

will have more updates later

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