Sunday, October 21, 2018

Soybean Harvest begins and Parent Teacher Conferences

The weather has finally cooperated enough to start harvesting soybeans.  The last few days have involved getting equipment ready.

Ben on a tractor 

Ben got himself dressed.  He was proud of his outfit and wanted me to take a picture.

Ben and Cody in the combine while it was in the shop

Alex playing with his toy

Cleaning off the combine

Grandpa started welding something.  Alex got a bit spooked.

Ben helping dig the old stuff out


Finally in the field in the combine.  Ben.


Cody is in town for parent-teacher conferences.  Ben's teacher said he is incredibly stubborn.  Definitely not a shocker for us.  Alex's teacher said he is a very sweet and thoughtful kiddo.  I think there's a pretty big difference in teaching styles that led to those different feedback types.  Alex is definitely stubborn and Ben is definitely also sweet and thoughtful.  Both teachers said the one in their class has a hilarious inner monologue that they say out loud sort of like narrating their day.  I hadn't noticed, but both teachers got a kick out of it.  Otherwise, the kids are doing well.  They know all of their letter sounds and 

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