Friday, April 17, 2015

Toddler Beds Again

The boys needed to switch to toddler beds.  They were starting to climb on to the crib rail and sit on it.  We were rapidly closing in on them hurting themselves, or escaping their room and doing who knows what in the house in the middle of the night.  

Our first effort for toddler bed transition did not go well.  That was described in the previous post when we took off the front of the crib.  I figured they were used to using their crib as a trampoline, so no amount of effort was ever going to work in making that a bed they don't play in.  

That started our search for toddler beds.  I liked the nice wood ones, but Cody wanted a fun plastic bed.  He thought the boys might choose to hang out in an interesting bed.  I picked a Spongebob Squarepants bed for each of the boys.  After I ordered them, Cody flipped out because apparently yellow is a girl color and Spongebob is the worst thing in the entire universe.  After the most ridiculous argument in the world, I cancelled the yellow girl beds, and ordered Cars beds.  Our boys don't care about that movie, so I don't see how it is better... but whatever.  Cars it is.  (They don't really care for cars in general.  They like heavy machinery and big trucks.  We spend a lot of time watching construction videos on the internet.  I've tried to get them to watch monster trucks, but noooooo.)

When we went to visit Cody's parents in March, the boys slept in those cots.  We used that as our transition opportunity.  The night we got home from the farm was the last night in their cribs.  On Monday, I put the new beds together.  It took way longer than necessary because the boys would not stop jumping on the bed at every stage of the process.  Here is our finished product.  We decided not to put the stickers on because the boys don't care about Cars and they look good plain. 

Alex in the light colored shirt with my screwdriver and Ben in the dark shirt

Here is their room with the beds before they slept in them.

The rest of this post is just pictures of them sleeping in weird ways over the last month.  I go in and check on them on my way to bed every night.  I adjust them/their blankets if necessary.  If you are not a parent or maaayyyybeee grandparent, this will probably be stupid.  Anyway, here we go!

Their first night.  They ran around their room for 15 or 20 minutes, but eventually crashed.  They slept in the bed that was in the position of their old crib.  This is Ben (and where his crib used to be).  Not that exciting, but his arm is up in the arm in a weird way.

Alex in perfect angel position.  This was the ONLY time Alex was in a perfect angel position since.

The next night Ben decided to fall asleep on the floor.

One thing I've discovered is that Alex likes to sleep with a pillow on top of him.  Occasionally when I go to check on them, I find that he has stuffed his legs in to the pillow case.  

You will also notice that the bed is turned around.  They went crazy during nap time and spun the bed around.


Ben.   This one is notable because Cody sleeps like this with one knee bent in the air.

Alex. This one is my favorite.

Looks like they spent a lot of time tearing up their room this day.  Alex maybe?  At some point, they stopped always sleeping in their specific bed.  Now they sleep where they crash.  Alex always falls asleep in a bed, but which bed is a toss up.  Ben occasionally sleeps on the floor or either bed.

Alex.  He curled up with both music/light devices.  I brought the devices out to add more light to their room.


Ben pushed his bed away from the wall.

At the bottom of the picture, you can see the pvc pipe hammer they created to hit things.  They eventually used it to pop off the child proof cover on their door knob.  Little monsters.

wrong way, buddy.  This might be Ben.  We've only had  3 baby falling out of bed episodes.  2 happened to Alex when he was sick.  The 3rd was also Alex, but he wasn't sick.  He doesn't actually fall out.  He lays his head too close to the edge.  He is so top heavy that eventually his head weight pulls him over the edge, and he slowly slides off the bed head first.  I know this because I watched it one time.

Ben is my calmer sleeping baby.  I usually count on him to have his head on a pillow and be curled up the right way with blankets.  He does occasionally fall asleep on the floor though.  One night I went in to check on them as usual, and I could not get the door open.  I could see little toes right by the opening of the door.  He fell asleep curled up with his blankets against the door.  Poor boy.  I had to push him out of the way using the door and carry him to bed.  That was actually the night I saw Alex slide out of bed.  They are very easy to deal with at night.  They let me put them in bed, turn them around, whatever, with no fuss.

Ben.  If they still have binkies when I check on them, I take them out now.  We're working on it!

Another room disaster day.  Ben maybe?  See the workbench by the wall?  That is under their window.  Before they go to sleep, they like to stand on the workbench and look out the window.  They do it enough that neighbors have noticed.  Now, they push the workbench over to the head of Ben's bed and use it to jump on his bed.

Alex.  I put a pillow on the floor by his head in case he fell off.  He didn't.  That time.


Alex on the bed Ben on the floor.  Their room generally starts pretty picked up when we put them down.  It is interesting to go in and see how much they destroyed the place before they go down.



Alex on the bed and Ben on the floor.  Again.


I realize this was more Alex than Ben.  Most of the nights I take pics of Ben look like his picture 3 up.  Just a blanket with a head sticking out.  Other than when he sleeps on the floor, he is pretty calm.

It has definitely been an interesting experience.  They handled it pretty well.  They nap less often.  Sometimes they just run around their room in the dark for an hour, but whatever I guess.  They like their beds and don't miss the cribs.  We have the cover over their door knob, so they can't get out.  I wrote in the previous post about how they learned to pop them off, but they don't usually do that.  We have 0 babies in cribs now.  Sad.

Boys -1, Parent/Beds- 1.  

Outside play, Grandparents Visit, Tools, Sick, Fun

I haven't updated in a while.  This will be a bit of a mishmash.  Enjoy!

The boys doing some tire work.

My parents came to visit.  Grandpa helped them dig in the dirt.

And build lego towers

I got my mom's patience. Grandpa did a great job helping them.

The boys are at an age where we can disguise chores with fun outdoor activities.  Here they are helping hand wash the van. Ben spraying

Ben looking sassy, Alex looking pitifully sad

Finally Alex got a turn

Dipping the sponges in a soap water bucket to use on the van

Taking a water break together in the wagon

Ben left Alex right.  They love the screw guns.  Wonder what they are looking at?

Putting in the bit.  Great job, guys!

Never mind, it was a screw.  Close!

Cody building with the boys.  The boys are getting old enough for their toys to overlap with Cody's interests.  Sometimes Cody and the boys fight over toys.

This is how completely the same their hair color is.  Weird.  Cody will say, "Yeah, but when I was 2 my hair was extremely blonde.  It only got darker as I got older." To that I say, "Ok, but it is still cool now.  Suck it."  Also, their eyes are still blue.  In case you were wondering.

This was from when the boys and I were sick.  Alex passed out on the floor.

Ben.  They like when I turn on the front facing camera so they can look at themselves.  I try to take pictures and video while they do it.  It can be hilarious.

Ben left Alex right.  It is in black and white because Ben's face is covered in milk.  My guys are messy.

Alex making a funny face

Ben left Alex right, sick.  Poor little monkeys.  I was sick at the same time as them.  Cody still worked most of the week.  It was pure torture. They were not the kind of sick where they slept for hours and hours.  They were whiny, miserable, and needy.  So was I.  Cody did end up coming home from a business trip early to help me and then took a day or two off to help.  Thanks, Cody.  It was awful.

My guys are alarmingly good with tools.  I know you can look up this post and see some questionable tool usage, but still.  Here are two separate toys that they combined to create a makeshift hammer.  

I have an even more impressive makeshift tool story.  The boys are in toddler beds now.  We have one of those plastic covers over their door knob in the room so they can't escape in the middle of the night.  They managed to get a couple of them off over a few days.  I couldn't figure out how they were doing it.  I caught them one day and was so impressed I let them continue.  They were taking one of their toy chisels and holding it inside the plastic cover.  Then they were hammering the chisel with a hammer they built using pvc pipes.  THIS IS WHAT I AM UP AGAINST.  Not only do they use tools in well thought out ways, but they CREATE tools to fill their destructive needs.  My little monkeys are awesome and terrifying.

Alex making his hammer.

For my sister.  Shep.  He is back now.  He gave the boys about 2 weeks of trying to learn to appreciate the boys.  Now he goes to the basement every time he hears them wake up.  When we close their door for them to sleep, he comes back upstairs.  Poor boy.  He isn't mean to them, and he does accept their pets and hugs.  He just chooses to put some distance between them and him when possible.  When we are all outside, he does hang around with all of us.

They like to do this.  Ben



Alex smelling a flower.  "Flower."  Dandelion. 

He doesn't know it is a weed.  Live it up, little monkey.

Bird war has begun again.  They attacked the straw fortress.  A new nest was up in a day.  We took it down and stuck a plastic box on top of the light.  It's your move, birds.

Ben left.  Alex right.  They LOVE grapefruit.  I gave them each a half to chew on while I used a grapefruit spoon to dig out the flesh of another one.  They ate all of everything I gave them. Then they squeezed the remains and drank the juice.  Then they stuck them in their toolbox.  Yeah, the last part confused me too.  They did it as a team though.  Teamwork.

We've reached the end of our journey.  We really haven't done anything exciting lately.  Almost every picture on my phone has been pictures of the funny ways the boys sleep in their beds.  Since I was sick for about 2 of the last 4 weeks, I don't have much to report.

They are getting bigger, faster, stronger, and smarter.  I can trust them to climb on our kitchen chairs and not fall.  It is fabulous.  I have (almost) all of my chairs back in the kitchen and they are all standing upright.  It is the little things you need to appreciate.  They are eating food by biting it off instead of requiring everything to be cut in to tiny pieces.  They love bugs, worms, and spiders. 

Today I noticed them hanging out in one spot on our deck laughing.  I shrugged it off figuring they weren't doing anything dangerous and they were keeping each other happy, so whatever.  After I switched the laundry around, I checked on them again.  Same place.  Eventually I went to check on them, they excitedly told me about the cool bug they were watching.  I listened to them chatter and sat down.  A few minutes later the bug showed back up, it was a wasp.  They were trying to squish it.  I'm really glad they didn't learn what would happen to them if they tried to squish the wasp.