Friday, July 11, 2014

Lil Tikes Cozy Coupe

The boys and I made a quick overnight visit to my parents when Cody was travelling last weekish.  One of the toys my parents had collected for the boys was a Little Tikes Cozy Coupe.  The boys really enjoyed it at their house. 

There were minor fights, but they sat in it together.  (Don't know which baby is which)

And took turns pushing each other (Ben green Alex blue)

Then mom and dad came up for a few hours on Saturday.  They came up to bring back Shep, but they forgot him.  Eh, it happens.  They watched the boys for a few hours while we went to see the new Transformers movie.  The first movie we've been able to see in YEARS. 
They brought the cozy coupe up to give to the boys.  Apparently they fought over the car so long and so hard here that mom immediately had another car shipped to us from Amazon.  She said she didn't want me to have to live through them fighting over it every day.  Very nice.  Their battles are pretty epic sometimes.  So, we all thank you.  Then they had to drive home Saturday night.
The boys recognized the car from the picture on the box.  They started making "EWW EWWW" excited noises and saying "Baby?... Baby!.... Baby..?...." and pointing at the picture of the kid in the car on the box.  As soon as I got the car part out of the box, this is what they started doing.  Alex pushing Ben.  They tried to sit in it together, but that didn't work out.

When Cody got home, he put the new car together.  We brought the other car in from outside.  Then Cody pushed them around the floor.
Alex up close.  Ben behind.  (The deflated Jumperoo on the floor.  I was going to blow it up for them, but the pump was too exciting for the boys to ignore.)

Ben left, Alex right.


Bumper Cars

Their hair is hilarious in the cars.  There is a lot of static electricity build up.

Alex topless looking at Cody. More bumper cars.

Discussing where they should go next.  Ben closer, Alex behind.

Sometimes they get in car accidents.  Usually it is because they are trying to crawl in or out without using the door.  (The door opens and closes.  There is a key that clicks when you turn it, and there is a place to fill up the gas.  Very neat.)
Ben under the car

Don't worry, he thought it was funny

The other type of accident is when they get run over by the car, or they fall out of the bottom. 
This usually happens because both of them are fighting over territory in the cabin.  One will get pushed down.

It also happens when one pushes with his feet Flintstones style and runs over the other on the floor.
Ben stuck under car

He doesn't think it is nearly as funny as before

They are having a lot of fun with their cars. 

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