Saturday, December 28, 2013


It has come to my attention that my mom thinks I'm mad at her so I'm not updating.  As funny as I think that is, I have 2 sick babies so I have no time to update.  Here are some new pictures

Ben Blue.  Alex red.  Baby kisses

Alex angry at space heater
Laundry room.  Baby tv.  They like to sit in there and watch the washer and dryer run.  I try to keep them out, but they make it back in.  Ben next to toilet paper on left.  Alex on right.


While we were working on the floor, we could not get the babies to stay out of harm's way.  There was no way to corral them safely.  Their cribs were in the living room, so we just put them in a crib.  It worked for a lot longer than I expected.  We got maybe 20 minutes out of sticking them in there.
Alex and the speed square that he would not give back

As they got tired of staying in the crib, I bribed them with Apple Jacks

It helped

Trying to keep babies out.  Ben red.  Alex grey.


Baby wrestling.  Alex on top.  Ben on floor.

This is how I found the babies.  Alex really is a climber.  Alex in shower.  Ben outside.

Alex vacuuming for me.

Cody was taking a shower one day when he got an unexpected visitor.  I think it is Alex.  He just opened the door and crawled in.  I have it on video, but it is definitely not blog safe.

Will try to update more later. 
See,  Not angry!  :)

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