Wednesday, July 25, 2012

14 week ultrasound pictures

We didn't get a copy of the scans digitally, so I just scanned the little printout they give.  The quality is not fantastic, but you get the idea.

A view of both of their little heads together:

Here is Baby A:


Full body profile:


(It is a view from the bottom looking up towards its head.  Sort of like looking at the underside of a hug.)


Heart Beat:

Here is Baby B:


Full body profile:

Its little head looks smushed in this still picture, but I promise it looks normal usually.  This also makes its legs look really weird.  I told Cody it reminded me of a little cooked turkey with a giant baby head.

A view from the front:

Heart Beat:


It seems like we got way more quality pictures of Baby A than Baby B.  Maybe that is because I nearly passed out when she started looking at Baby B and so she rushed it along.... who knows for sure.  They are probably identical anyway, so a picture of one is sort of like a picture of both. 

I have my next growth ultrasound scheduled for 18 weeks, so in a month I should have updated pictures.  They have changed so much in these few weeks.  They are really starting to look human!  We should also probably be able to tell the gender at the next scan.  Cody's plan is to not tell anyone else, so we'll see if he lets me share the news then!

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