Friday, August 14, 2015

Suck it

The boys in Cody's suitcase.  I might try to add a picture of them doing this when they were small for comparison, but I may forget.

Ben likes to wear the baby carrier and carry his stuffed toys around,  Here is him with his frog.

My sister is getting married in a couple months (?!?).  I offered her the veil my family made for me when I got married 8 (?!?!?!) years ago.  I took a picture to show her.  Cody was my model.  He was not amused.

The boys have found a new love in straws.  They don't usually call them straws, though.  I will give them something to drink in a cup, and they start yelling, "Suck it!  Suck it!"  It never fails to make me laugh.  They are starting to ask nicely for a straw, or they go get one out of the drawer themselves, so I have a feeling our "suck it" days are numbered.




Ben.  They sometimes suck liquid in to the straw and then spit it out. Little monsters.  I do not find that to be as amusing.



Ben.  Alex and Ben worked together to get this outfit on him.

Ben.  This is what he (and anyone) would look like if he didn't have the black part of his eye.  A little photo editing/red eye mishap that I decided to keep.



Alex playing firefighter

Ben crying because his popsicle was broken.

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