Friday, August 14, 2015

Suck it

The boys in Cody's suitcase.  I might try to add a picture of them doing this when they were small for comparison, but I may forget.

Ben likes to wear the baby carrier and carry his stuffed toys around,  Here is him with his frog.

My sister is getting married in a couple months (?!?).  I offered her the veil my family made for me when I got married 8 (?!?!?!) years ago.  I took a picture to show her.  Cody was my model.  He was not amused.

The boys have found a new love in straws.  They don't usually call them straws, though.  I will give them something to drink in a cup, and they start yelling, "Suck it!  Suck it!"  It never fails to make me laugh.  They are starting to ask nicely for a straw, or they go get one out of the drawer themselves, so I have a feeling our "suck it" days are numbered.




Ben.  They sometimes suck liquid in to the straw and then spit it out. Little monsters.  I do not find that to be as amusing.



Ben.  Alex and Ben worked together to get this outfit on him.

Ben.  This is what he (and anyone) would look like if he didn't have the black part of his eye.  A little photo editing/red eye mishap that I decided to keep.



Alex playing firefighter

Ben crying because his popsicle was broken.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Mechanic-ing, berries, and toilets, Oh my!

Ben going crazy with the blackberries.  He was crouched down in his chair before I got the camera.  He was basically pushing the berry against his teeth to "juice" it, so he had all this mess on his face and down his body.  

He looked like this:  Including the berries in his ears.

Note:  he was eating half assed drawn berries, not the rabbit that is shown in the original picture.  They chase rabbits, but do NOT eat them.

We almost blew up the air conditioner.  The pool managed to get blown on top of the outside unit.  I had just gone in the house to get the boys some water. (I didn't see it happen.  I just know it happened in that 10 minutes.) When we went back outside 10 minutes later, the pool was really hot and there were these scorch marks on the rim of the pool.  Oops.  (It was blocking the unit from getting air causing it to heat up. Scorch marks from the grate on top of the unit, I think.)

The boys have been getting a little crazy at bed time again.  They are officially tall enough to turn on/off light switches without standing on anything.  This has made bed time extremely difficult.  Now they turn on their light and party it up late in to the night.  I've had to start taking their light bulb.  It's awful.  

Anyway, this is what I walked in to at like midnight.  Alex with the block of modesty.  Ben sitting more quietly.  They like to turn over this car track and sit on it.  Needless to say, it is fairly broken now.  That's 60 lbs of crazy sitting on molded plastic.  I had to remove the toy from their room also. Side note (and important note): Alex had also removed his diaper and was VERY proud of himself.


This is my frog friend.  I first noticed him sitting in my habanero plant out front.

Later, he started hanging out about eye level on the glass next to our front door.  He is about the size of a finger tip.  I leave some water out for him now.  I don't know if he likes it.  

Diaper on a diaper.

My parents were brought to town for a work reason, so they took the opportunity to stop by.  Dad helped Cody charge our van a/c, and Cody helped dad install some kind of spacer something something for the bed? of dad's truck.  Nobody ever told me what they were doing, but they were working in the general bed area.  

Anyway,  here are all 4 guys helping out. Left to right: Alex, Dad, Cody, Ben.

Looks like Alex found something wrong

So he crawled under to fix it.

Ben took this opportunity to wash the truck using a baby wipe that he sprayed with water

Alex taking care of the problem.  (There was no problem.  I'm just being playful.  I'm sure you all knew that.  yeah.)

Thinking about it more, we probably should not have taught them this new skill.  Check under your car before you move it, caregivers!  (They have not actually crawled under any other vehicle.  I'm assuming it will just be dad's truck, because that's how they roll)

Ben washing

Spraying his baby wipe

Things are good.  

We watch Yo Gabba Gabba dvds in the van.  One of the songs that comes up every hour or so it Try it, You'll like it.  Basically telling kids to try a food because they will like it.  Or rather, try it before you decide you don't like it.  *cough*Cody*cough*

Here is the last part of the song, after he has tried it and discovered he DOES in fact like the new food:

Anyway, now when I give Ben a new food, he will say "Try it, you'll like it."  Then after he tries it, he says, "I tried it.  I like it."  It is HILARIOUS.  It has definitely improved his eating.  I can't complain.  I'll try to catch it on video, but you know how that goes.

They figured out that they can turn on the bath tub themselves, so occasionally they go get a bath going without me.  They can't plug the drain, so they just sit in the running water and play.  I go watch them of course.  They just start it without me.

We're in the same place with potty training.  They pretty much take care of themselves during the day, but still will not poop in the toilet.  I have no idea why.  They aren't scared of the toilet or the flushes.  Eh.  Toddlers are weird.

Speaking of weird potty training,  Ben started sitting on the toilet to pee like this.  Maybe someone taught him, but it wasn't me.  We have a little seat that sits on the regular toilet seat for them.  It hangs on a hook on the toilet tank when not in use.  

I'm pretty sure him sitting like this is going to make it even harder to convince him to poop in the toilet.  Or he will just poop down the front of the toilet and I'll be wishing he was still using a diaper.  Note: he was not actually peeing here.  I asked him to show me how he does it before a bath so I could get a pic.  No babies peeing here.

They are growing up and becoming independent little monkeys.  Today we had this conversation:

Me:  "Alex, come give mama a kiss."
Alex:  (frowns) "No kiss mama.  No kissa mama!!" (runs away)  

Sad days.

Counting and stuff is coming along.  I keep all our soda in the basement fridge.  I was walking upstairs with cans and Ben started yelling, "2 cans!  Mama's 2 cans!"  I did have 2 cans.  Good job, monkey!

Okay the next 2 pictures are HEAVILY boxed out, but I was too impressed not to share.  One of their Christmas presents this year was a few pvc pipes cut down to small sizes and an assortment of pvc fittings to build whatever.  They built this:  

(I guess in theory my parents could have built one similar this weekend when they gave them a bath and maybe they just remembered how to do it... but still.  I don't think so. I'll ask them later.)

It collects water from the spout and delivers it to a cup they were filling with water.  They did this together.  Teamwork!  It is so amazing what toddlers can do when you leave them to their own devices.

Here it is from a different angle.  Awesome.

We're still fighting the good fight with pacifiers.  They call them gigis and they love nothing more in this world than their gigi.  NOTHING. I swear I'm trying.  They are basically addicted to them.  My little addicts will not give them up without a battle.  I do not enjoy battling toddlers.  You never win when you're battling a toddler.  NEVER.

I think that's all for now.