Saturday, March 1, 2014

Lovey Babies

The babies are really starting to get lovey.  They love on us and occasionally on each other.  They were having a really good time this morning.  I managed to get these videos.  Ben is in the diaper.  Alex is in the sleeper.  This was during morning diaper change time; we don't usually let one baby freeze while the other is lounging in a fleece jumpsuit.

My mother in law gave the boys the couch for Christmas.  She just asked me if I wanted her to buy another.  I told her they don't sit on it often, so we didn't really need one.  Ever since I sent that text message, the babies have been on it nonstop.  So far, they are enjoying the cuddle time.  Ben in blue Alex in red.  Alex is wearing the new shirt his great grandma and great grandpa gave him.  We love dinosaurs in this house.
Sharing a usb cable to suck on

Reading together on their couch.  Ben naked Alex in sleeper

Alex giving Ben kisses on his belly


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