Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Happy Feet, Playing in a box, Black Eye

The boys holding hands.  Ben brown Alex blue.
I pulled out one of the giant moving boxes to put construction debris in for the trash people.  The boys really enjoyed playing in it for a while.  They would crawl back and forth over each other and laugh.  They leaned against it and used it to rock.  Lots of fun.  Ben yellow, Alex blue
Playing their version of peekaboo together.  Alex running around chair, Ben rocking chair.  Sometimes their game gets more complex, but this time Ben was really enjoying rocking the chair.
Sharing a toy.  Alex blue Ben green.  Maybe
Alex.  They like to chew on the ties of my pants.  Weirdos. 
Baby wrestling
They love to get their hair brushed.  They started taking the brush and doing it themselves.  Occasionally it gets stuck and I have to pull it out. 
We had a little scare with Alex.  He somehow hit his face on the corner of his crib.  It was bleeding a lot and really puffed up.  Cody took him in to the doctor.  Now we know that our doctor can fit us in with 15 minutes notice if there is an emergency.  That's good at least! The doctor said her 16 month old just did the same thing on the fireplace.  She said it could probably use some glue, but then he would just pick at it.  He was in relatively good spirits.  This is Alex the day after his black eye.  It is all healed now and he looks fine.
It was a little purple with a small cut.
I left the room for a minute to grab something and this is how they were when I walked back in.  Alex on top of Ben.  There are a lot of pics that are pretty much the same.  I couldn't pick favorites.  They were all great.
Alex loving on Ben.  He has learned how to pat brother's head.  Ben wasn't so impressed.
Ben got his revenge.
Ben giving Alex kisses.  Open mouth, sloppy kisses.
Alex giving Ben kisses
Ben patting Alex on the head
They have started expressing love by head butting.  Here they are head butting each other.  They have gotten me in the face pretty good a couple times. One time I had to walk out of the room because one gave me a bloody nose and I thought I was going to cry.
Baby kisses
Alex running, Ben in room. 
Story time!  Ben blue on left, Alex brown on right
Alex on day 2 of his black eye
Day 3 of black eye
My parents got them some tools that look really real.  One of them is a jigsaw.  This toy has probably been the most awful toy when it comes to teaching life lessons.  When you push a button, the plastic blade moves up and down and it makes a saw noise.  The boys LOVE to put a finger on the blade and feel the blade move the finger.  They will sit there for a disturbing amount of time fighting each other for blade space and laughing.  Note to self: keep babies away from real jigsaw.  Ben.
Alex.  I was trying to get a picture of his curly hair.  We are going to give them a hair cut as soon as Cody's parents can see/make fun of their long, glorious hair.
You can see some of the curls.
Ben.  The babies have no table manners!
They both started putting a foot on the table.  We do not allow this.  It is still funny to see how similar they are.
Ben.  Please excuse the messy house.  I have 2 toddlers.  They destroy as soon as I clean.
Ben playing with Alex's foot
One of the under the bed baby mishaps.  The new bed frame is a little taller than a standard frame.  It makes for great under bed storage.  Unfortunately, that creates an obstacle course for the boys.  Ben tried to crawl over something and got stuck.
The boys fight over the vacuum.  It is a special prize.  They broke my last stick vac by playing with it too hard.  Here is Ben vacuuming the deck.  We do turn them loose with it running in the house.  They are not very thorough!
Alex Running
The boys do what we call Happy Feet.  When they are happy, or excited, they stomp their feet. It is absolutely hilarious when they start doing it at the same time.  Sometimes they get a really serious look on their face.  So cute.  This isn't the cutest, but I haven't caught it on video much.
Ben on the truck.  Alex was petting his head.  Then Ben starts scooting away and Alex pushes him.  They were both really tired, so it is kind of slow motion. 

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Lovey Babies

The babies are really starting to get lovey.  They love on us and occasionally on each other.  They were having a really good time this morning.  I managed to get these videos.  Ben is in the diaper.  Alex is in the sleeper.  This was during morning diaper change time; we don't usually let one baby freeze while the other is lounging in a fleece jumpsuit.

My mother in law gave the boys the couch for Christmas.  She just asked me if I wanted her to buy another.  I told her they don't sit on it often, so we didn't really need one.  Ever since I sent that text message, the babies have been on it nonstop.  So far, they are enjoying the cuddle time.  Ben in blue Alex in red.  Alex is wearing the new shirt his great grandma and great grandpa gave him.  We love dinosaurs in this house.
Sharing a usb cable to suck on

Reading together on their couch.  Ben naked Alex in sleeper

Alex giving Ben kisses on his belly