Ben was playing with a curtain rod. He managed to smack himself in the face in a way that left a straight line mark. I called him my little Snake Plissken. It didn't hurt him, but it looked funny for a few days.
The babies really enjoy crawling back and forth under the bed. Sometimes, Cody will crawl under the bed and jump out at them. This is what happens. 3 little monkeys hiding under the bed. Cody preparing.
Looks like the one not getting surprised found him! (Alex I think)
The other joined from the other direction. (Ben I think). It got pretty tight under there. It wasn't long before they realized there was a traffic jam and started to scream and/or cry. Tons of fun! For reference, the 3 of them are about in the middle of a King size bed in this picture.
The babies are finally willing and able to open the back door.
Cody was sick for about a week and I was sick for about 2 days. The babies somehow managed to not get officially sick sick. Instead, they were just really tired for a couple of days. The boys were in their bedroom playing and suddenly they were quiet. I heard one baby quietly playing. I walked in to check on things, and this is what I found. Ben passed out while playing with his legos and dish scrubber. They NEVER do this. Never. They sleep in bed only. It was funny. If you look, you will see he managed to make himself a pillow with a blanket he was dragging around.
I went to check on the babies while they were sleeping, and this is how Alex was sleeping.
Alex. Please excuse the messed up futon. Sometimes babies=disaster.
Ben left, Alex right. This was taken just after I trimmed their bangs. You can see 2 things. 1. I did an awful job on both. 2. I did an awful job in different ways on each baby. I took way too much from Alex and it is very uneven on both. On Ben, I took too much from places and not enough from some places. Poor boys.
Alex crawling over Ben
Ben posing
I thought his hair was funny. Alex maybe.
Here is a picture story of how our days go.
1. Mom is taking a picture of the babies because they are sitting near each other and that doesn't happen a lot. One baby (Alex in black) is calm, but has no purpose... a recipe for disaster. One baby (Ben in yellow and blue) is playing with a toy.
2. Looks like Alex realized Ben has something good.
3. Alex going for the steal. They briefly hold it together and try to suck on it.
4. Nope! Ben had too good of a hold on it. Ben is victorious. He must now suck on it.
5. Not so fast. Alex really wants that toy.
6. They struggle.
7. Alex wins! And runs off with the loot. Ben is confused at first, and then very upset.
The babies had a doctor's appointment. Because of the timing of things, the doctor gave the babies 7 shots. Poor boys. This is one leg. The other leg had 3 band aids.
The boys have had the same NICU pacifiers since we came home from the hospital. Some of them are getting flexible enough for the babies to fold them and put the whole mass in a baby mouth. The makings of a baby choking disaster. I decided it was time to buy some new pacifiers. While shopping for them, I found these. Baby mustache pacis. How can one NOT buy this? They are adorable. Ben and his cowboy mustache
Alex and his mustache
A few weekends ago, my parents came up to help watch the babies so we could work on the house. I know it is impossible to keep the babies away from noise and tools, so I got my parents a hotel room to watch the babies in. That turned in to our first full night away from the babies. It was the first night in 21 months that I have not been responsible for tiny humans. (I'm including their belly time. I was technically still responsible for them!) It was fantastic. My parents had a good time and the boys were pretty good. It was amazing how much we accomplished without the babies around. Our project had completely stalled, but with those few hours we managed to lay almost the entire master bedroom floor. It would've taken weeks with the babies.
Anyway, Cody's dresser drawers ended up on the floor. The babies like to play in them. Alex outside drawer in green. Ben inside drawer in yellow. Both upset, not sure why.
Both laughing.
Alex green. Ben yellow.
Ben standing on their couch to touch the tv.
Eating dinner in the tub. (We do not let them do this, ever. This was extremely desperate times. They are STILL getting molars.)
Still playing in the cabinet
Ben put the bag on his head. He could still breathe and I didn't let him sit like that long.
The little monsters love sticking stuff in the vent hole. This has been a battle ever since they found the vent when we tore out the floor. We bought a new register, but they keep pulling it out and walking it across the floor. It is extremely irritating.
Cody wanted to go to a tractor pull in my home town, so we finally visited my family. The last time we were in KC was the time we drove through town on the way home from drag races. I think I see a pattern here.... Anyway, the trip went by really really quickly and the boys were not super happy. My uncle brought his twins over. One of his twins (my cousin) was really good with the boys. He played with them and let them play with his gaming device.
Ben blue. Alex grey.
Cody and Alex
At our hotel. 3 monkeys jumping on the bed
They needed a bath, but I didn't want to give them a bath in a hotel room tub. They managed to sneak in on Cody in the shower and climb in. They were so wet at that point, we just let them join daddy.
The boys have finally discovered the joys of hanging out on the fireplace. It started when we put their toy box against it. They started climbing in the toy box. It was not long before they discovered climbing on the fireplace. Now they don't need the box and they sit up there a lot. They get down by swinging their feet around and sliding down like when they get off the couch.
The 2nd baby noticing brother's new spot.
2nd baby's first climb.
Hanging out. Alex with a mustache.
Ben? telling me a story
Hanging out again... with clothes. Ben brown Alex yellow
Not the most fashionable outfits.
Ben's legs on the fireplace and top half on the box.
Alex left Ben right. Alex angry. I thought it was a funny face.
I think the pictures hit most of the high points of what we've been up to lately. Here are some other fun things:
Alex and Ben like to put pacifiers in my mouth. It is really funny. I do this thing where I use my finger on my cheek to make a loud pop. Alex has started coming up to me and sticking his finger in my mouth. I didn't understand, but then he put his finger in his mouth and flicked his cheek. I finally realized what he wanted. When I popped my cheek for him, he just laughed and laughed.
Heartwarming tale of the day: This is the first time this has happened. Ben was in a beast of a mood part of yesterday. He was on the floor crying. Alex walked over to him and put Alex's pacifier in to Ben's mouth, gave him a pat on the head, and walked away. Sweet boys.
The boys have started taking things apart and trying to put them back together. That has been fun, I guess. They like taking all of the filters off the vacuum. They can't quite get that back together. It also happens when they take all of the wipes out of the container. Now they try to stuff them back in. They will also find a cell phone or remote and carry it over to put it on the arm of the chair. They know where we usually keep that stuff. Very helpful boys!
They also enjoy unplugging things and trying to plug it back in. They can't get things plugged in yet, and I don't let them keep trying... but they really like trying. They do not try to put anything else in to the outlet. They are able to pull outlet covers out with their strong little fingers. If they find something with a plug on the floor, they will drag it to the nearest outlet and try to plug it in.
The boys are finally enjoying reading more. They will now bring me a book while laughing and laughing. They still don't sit long, but it is progress.
I always say they because the boys are very... very similar. Ben likes fleece blankets and Alex likes slippery blankets. That is the biggest difference I can really point out. They are different day to day, but overall the main points are similar.
They are still in the process of getting 4 molars each. It has been dragging on for a few weeks now. Some days are more miserable than others, but between the 2 babies someone is usually unhappy. They should be finally breaking through soon.
Cody started his new job last week. He doesn't really know what he will be doing still, so he doesn't know how much he will like it. It is an entirely new position in a rapidly growing company... so we'll see.
That's about all for updates. The boys are doing well. They are happy and getting to be more and more fun every day.