Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Comforting each other, Play time, and Poo Chronicles pt 2

Alex was upset.  Ben comforted him.  It didn't help.  (Ben did this 4 or 5 times in a row.  Enough that I was able to grab a camera at least.  I'm pretty sure at this point Alex is crying because of Ben's comfort, not what he was originally upset about.)

 Playing on the couch.  Ben closer to camera.

Ben closer to the camera.  Alex near the back of the couch. 

Alex standing.  Ben sitting.  They had a lot of fun with Grandma's mirror!  They left hand and tongue prints on every reflective surface they could find.  Luckily, their grandma is charmed by tiny hand prints.


Baby feet!

Ben blue, Alex purple.  I grabbed the camera originally because Ben crawled into the car seat and curled up for a little power nap.  Unfortunately, he moved before I could capture the moment.  Alex was intrigued by the new play area though.  He crawled up and started playing.

He learned that he could make the seat rock back
Looks like Ben slipped off the back end.  Alex seems to be standing now.

Rocking the other direction

Too far!

Ben coming to survey the damage

Warning:  Poo story coming up.  If you do not like stories about baby poop, please stop reading here. 
Here is the 2nd installment of the Poo Chronicles: 
I like to give the boys a few minutes of diaper free time in the morning.  They only poop once every day or less, so it isn't much of a risk if they have already pooped recently.  Well on this fine day, they both had gone in the morning.  After I took off their overnight diaper, they crawled in to the bathroom to play.  I wasn't worried about poo and pee is easily cleaned off of that surface, so I let them play in there for a while unattended.  (It is really our most fully baby proofed room)
10 minutes or so later, Ben comes crawling in to the living room.  I talk to him a bit and notice something on his leg.  Alex crawls up and I notice something on his arm.  Wondering what they got in to, I went to check on the bathroom. 
What I found was horrible.  HORRIBLE. 
I have once again used stars to censor the true horrors.  I don't like being that mom that blogs about baby poop.  But here I am.
Someone had pooped on the rug. Then, it appears, they both decided to start playing in it.  They got poop hand prints all over the floor, tub, and toilet... and  EACH OTHER.  Oh. My. God.  Horrible.
After I took an appropriate amount of time to laugh.. and cry.. I started the clean up process.  I moved the rugs and started using the detachable shower head to spray the outside of the tub.  The work area was getting pretty wet. 
(Important Background that I may not have blogged about yet, but is vital to the story.  The boys LOVE bath time.  When they hear the tub water running, they drop whatever they are doing and crawl at light speed down the hall to the bathroom.)
So, the floor is getting pretty wet and I'm not really paying attention.  I'm still laughing/crying to myself.  Well here comes Ben, overjoyed at the sound of water running.  He made it to the epicenter of poo and water, slips, and starts rolling around and screaming.
To sum it up:
Ben- crying and screaming, covered in poo hand prints and soaking wet
Alex- covered in poo hand prints and laughing
Mommy- wet with poo spray back and laughing/crying
The babies did get to take a bath though! 

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