I took this when they first started exploring the bathroom. Now they are in there a lot.
Ben with the duck Alex in yellow diaper
Alex in yellow Ben in white
This is why Alex is my chubby monkey. After I fed them, he crawled under the chairs to eat the stray floor cheerios.
Causing mischief. Alex white Ben blue. They got the closet door open, pulled out the box I keep diapers in, and started playing with them. They pulled other stuff out of the closet also.
Alex blue Ben greenish. I took them out front to watch daddy work. They played on a sleeping bag. The slippery surface was a big hit. They crawled around the perimeter together giggling.
Checking out the grass
Not a fan of the grass
Off the sleeping bag
They like to sit back to back.
Ben close, Alex behind
Ben left Alex right (I think)
Alex standing Ben sitting. These pictures might already be up... I didn't check. They love mirrors.
Ben. Sleeping baby wearing a "Play all day" sweatshirt.
I got these little suits to get pictures taken in. I managed to get Ben in one. Alex ran off, naked. Ben took the time for a mini photo shoot.
Then naked baby attacked. They rolled around the floor laughing for a while.
Alex left, Ben right ( I think)
Maybe Ben. We spent a small fortune getting them some winter clothes. We had to take them shopping on a cold day wearing shorts and a t-shirt with socks that are way too small. In the rain. I felt like super mom that day. We put warm stuff on them in the store.
January 12 vs October 12. My babies are getting big!
Getting big enough for the double carts. That makes it SO much easier than taking strollers and baby carriers in.
Alex left Ben right
Cody kept talking to them like they were driving. And making car noises. When nosy people tried to talk to us about every set of twins/triplets/quads they've ever met or heard about, Cody would reply with something about the babies driving a race car. Awesome.
Note to people that see a family with multiples: don't stop parents of multiples to tell them about every set of multiples you've ever heard about. If our babies aren't currently screaming, they will when we stop to talk about your grandma's sister's nephew's cousin in law's triplets. (Yes, this happened) Maybe you won't take that long, but the 15 other people that stop us really add up to a real time killer.
The boys are each taking 1-2 steps alone. It is usually taking a couple of steps between pieces of furniture. They are really rocking the walkers. Here is Alex going down the hallway with a walker.
They are both getting 2 more teeth on the top. They are ALMOST in. Alex got his 5th tooth yesterday. It is the one on the bottom next to the 2 that are in already on his right. Exciting. Maybe they will stop being such drool monsters for a while once they come in.