Baby Battle.
Alex in red. Ben in blue. You can see Ben is holding on Alex's foot. That is because Alex was using it to karate chop Ben's belly. The blue thing on Alex's leg is a legwarmer. I refer to that later in the post.
Alex kicking Ben
Alex using Ben to pivot.
Ben outside playing a trumpet.
Alex chewing, as usual
Weight: over
15.5 lbs
New developments: Rolling! He started rolling back to belly yesterday. He's been rolling belly to back for a while. I'm super excited. That is on track for a baby his actual age, not adjusting because they were premature. Normal babies! So happy. That doesn't mean all milestones will be on track, but I'm happy.
He laughs at weird noises. Cody has taken that as his opportunity to make all the weird noises he wants that I would usually yell at him for making.
The boys are finally starting to pay attention to each other. They only do when they are in the right mood though. It is funny because very rarely are they in the mood to interact at the same time. They've only cooed back and forth a few times for instance. Usually one will try to make contact and the other one gets nervous and cries. Every now and then they'll have a baby wrestling match like in the pictures above. It is very slow motion and very uncoordinated, but hilarious.
What he is wearing: They have made it to their 3-6 month stuff. Some things are 6 month + if their giant head gets in the way. I got some SUPER cool leg warmers. I first saw them with cloth diapers. They are super cute. The leg warmers are supposed to protect the knees of little crawlers and make diaper changes quicker since you don't have to deal with pants. If you know me, you know I love leg warmers... so any excuse is a good excuse.
See: cute.
Favorite memory of the week: The triumph of rolling over. Also, I'm loving the baby giggles.
Least favorite memory of the week: Now that he discovered rolling over, when I put him in the crib he immediately rolls over. The problem is that he HATES being on his belly most of the time. So, he just starts screaming. When he gets worked up he just sticks his arms out to the sides and can't roll back to his back. That little pain in the butt. That means I have to come flip him back over. He rolls belly to back just fine when he isn't worked up.
What we're looking forward to: I think sitting will be fun.
sleeping with arms up and a blanket on his face, as usual
Weight: over 15 lbs
New developments: They are both now solidly on the weight growth charts. They are in the area of 20th percentile for babies born at the same time as them. They used to be in the 0 percentile. Their doctor was quite pleased with that. It basically means they are now just a little on the small side for their age, but not like circus small.
Ben did his first official roll back to belly today. He did a naked one a couple days ago on a changing pad while Cody was changing him, but Cody says it doesn't count because he used the edge of the pad with his leg to get over. Either way, he's doing it now.
They both have a favorite toy. Unfortunately its the same one. That has caused problems already. They will steal it from the other or grab it and smack the other with it. Fun.
What he is wearing: same as Alex
Favorite memory of the week: He was in his room scream crying, refusing to nap. He curled up with his legs in the air, so I used his hand to grab his feet. He stopped for a second and then started laughing. That made me laugh. It was good he made me laugh, because I'm getting pretty tired of them not napping.
Least favorite memory of the week: They are no longer my good sleepers. One or the other is waking me up 2 times at night. Once around 2:30 and once around 4:30. I'm getting really tired of that. Also, Ben has decided not to take a morning nap. This gets him off schedule from Alex and makes everyone grumpy. They are currently in their cribs screaming, but they need to nap! Sorry babies.
What we're looking forward to: The NICU reunion is this weekend. I think it will be a lot of fun to see the people that took such good care of our babies.
Monkey feet like his mommy. The red toy in the bottom right corner is their favorite.
favorite toy
The purple circle is where he scratched under his eye. Well he scratched it or Alex did. It was so close to his eyeball. It looked bad for a while. The green circle is over his giant hand. His hand is not usually that giant, I think it is a camera trick.
same without circles
My baby the supermodel
He wants that toy in his mouth.
They are not really crawling, but they sure do make a lot of progress doing whatever they do. He started off over on the blankets. He wasn't even on the red blanket, so he was farther away than you can see with the image. They roll and wiggle pretty far.
I'm not sure which baby this is, but it is very cute.
For my sister. Mom will make her look at the stupid baby pictures, so here is a baby picture that you will actually enjoy! :) Sheppy in our unmowed grass.