Monday, May 13, 2013

My First Mother's Day

Was my first mother's day pretty awesome?  Yes.

1.  Cody took care of the babies practically the entire day.  I got to take a nap, hand off a crying baby, and eat without trying to shovel food into my mouth as quickly as possible while someone is screaming.

2.  I got 2 cakes.  Yes, 2.  Cody bought me an ice cream cake and I bought a small sheet cake.  The cake I got said, "I love my mommy" or something.

(added pic: one of my cakes)

3.  Family bath time.  All 4 of us in a tub.  The boys LOVE (for brief periods) to float around.  (We don't just like toss them in the tub and let them float.  We hold their giant heads and they let the rest of their body float.)  It was fun.

Other highlights of the day:

1.  Ben woke up screaming at about 11:30 pm.  Cody was asleep so it was back to mommy duty.  After getting him settled, I realized I had to use the restroom, urgently.  When I got in there, I saw there was no toilet paper.  I grabbed what I needed from the laundry room and ran back to the bathroom.  I looked down and I was holding a dryer sheet.  I'm not sure why my brain decided a dryer sheet was a roll of tp... but whatever.

2.  Alex puked... in my hair.  Right after we got clean in the bath.

3.  Alex peed on me.  He hit my shoulder.  Impressive.

4.  I had my first alcoholic drink since I had that cheap champagne in a plastic hotel cup on New Year's.  It was delicious.

5.  Alex has started doing this random hysterical laughing thing.  Cody said something sort of serious like, "He hit her?!!?!?!?!" Alex started laughing manically.  It was hilarious.

My text messaging does not seem to be working right anymore.  I got a few text messages that were blank with no phone number attached, so if you sent me a message and I didn't reply... sorry.  We've been looking for new phones/plans, but I hate signing up for a new contract because we're never in one place as long as long as a cell phone contract runs.  Sad. 

Anyway, I hope all the moms out there had a great Mother's Day! 

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