Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Memorial Day weekend

My family does an annual get together over Memorial Day.  We've missed it every year for as long as I can remember.  This year we made it to the first day.  It was the first time the boys got introduced to the family.  We had a pretty good time.  One or both of the babies cried the entire way back.  3 and a half hours of horrible.  We got pulled over by a police officer about half an hour from home because we only had 1 head light.  A bird hit us earlier in the day, so we assume it knocked something loose or something.  Horrible horrible trip home. 

Here are some pictures. I may delete them after family has had a chance to see them.

(Great) Grandpa B and Alex

(Great) Grandma B and Alex

Alex took a little nap.  They do not really like being held for long and they love naps, so this was really the best possible outcome.

(Great) Grandma U and Ben.  He also took a snooze.

(My dad) Grandpa and Ben

One of the only pictures of all 4 of us.  My sister took like 6 pictures.  This is the happiest of the bunch.

Unrelated pictures:
I took the boys out in the front yard when it was really nice.
Ben making a grumpy face:
Ben has gotten pretty good at handling his pacifier, but he isn't good at letting it go.  He will grab it out of his mouth and wave it around screaming and crying.  Sometimes he manages to get it back in his mouth backwards and he will just suck on that little stump.  Weirdo.
Ben? maybe Alex?
This series is called "Babies Sleeping"
Alex was sitting up crying and ended up like this.  Then he immediately fell asleep.


Alex likes to cover his face with blankets when he sleeps.  Maybe that is a sign he'd like to nap in the dark.


Ben?  When I put him there he was sitting normally.  I was sitting on the couch watching him get to this point.  Once he turned over, he fell right back to sleep.  I didn't let him stay like that of course, but it was funny watching him work his way over.


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Making Progress and Driving Mommy Crazy

We are all doing well.  I'll update with the pictures.
The boys have learned how to wiggle their way out of the swing.  I now have to use the straps to hold them down or else they get out and end up halfway on the floor.  This is Alex demonstrating.

Babies are silly.  Ben making a funny face and Alex with his head by Ben's butt.  We were working on rolling over.  Alex got over and then squirmed into this position.
Alex and Cody working on standing.  They don't really like sitting most of the time.  They would rather stand.

Ben.  They both have this strange love of cuddling blankets.  They often pull the blankets off their feet so they can snuggle them up by their face.

My babies on their 5 month birthday (or so).  Alex purple Ben white.


They are getting really strong.  Just a week ago I put them in this and had to put blankets around them to prop them up.  Now they sit in it unassisted and sometimes play with the things around them.  Alex.

Brotherly love.  Ben on the left (green) and Alex on the right (purple).  Alex looks smaller than Ben for some reason, but that is not the case.  He weighs over a half pound more and their heads measure exactly the same.  It must be the angle or something.  Also, their weight growth percentile caught up to their head growth percentile.  I can no longer say they have giant heads for their bodies.  Now they just have normal size heads.  Boring.

They are getting a lot more fuzzy little hair.  It is coming in a lot lighter than their original hair.

Ben in black Alex in blue taking a stroll.

Cody's sister came to visit with her son. The only cousin picture where everyone is settled.  Alex in white, Cousin in the middle, Ben in red.  Cousin was running low on diapers, so we stuck him in cloth.  Lucky baby!  I have some other good ones, but I don't want to be the crazy lady that posts pictures of other people's children.

What it turned into immediately.  3 baby photography is a lot harder than 2 baby photography.
Getting crazier.  Alex white Ben red
Again, their heads are the same size, but Ben looks a lot rounder.  Must be the light or something.  Ben in black Alex in blue

Baby wrestling

Having cousin around sure wore out the boys!  Alex closest Ben far away


This series is called, "Playing with Two Babies"  (this was over the course of 10-15 minutes)
Look, Alex is having fun!
Ben is not!

Alex sure is enjoying that toy!
Ben is not.

I seem to have gotten Ben to calm down.  Good.
Uh oh, there  goes Alex.


Monday, May 13, 2013

My First Mother's Day

Was my first mother's day pretty awesome?  Yes.

1.  Cody took care of the babies practically the entire day.  I got to take a nap, hand off a crying baby, and eat without trying to shovel food into my mouth as quickly as possible while someone is screaming.

2.  I got 2 cakes.  Yes, 2.  Cody bought me an ice cream cake and I bought a small sheet cake.  The cake I got said, "I love my mommy" or something.

(added pic: one of my cakes)

3.  Family bath time.  All 4 of us in a tub.  The boys LOVE (for brief periods) to float around.  (We don't just like toss them in the tub and let them float.  We hold their giant heads and they let the rest of their body float.)  It was fun.

Other highlights of the day:

1.  Ben woke up screaming at about 11:30 pm.  Cody was asleep so it was back to mommy duty.  After getting him settled, I realized I had to use the restroom, urgently.  When I got in there, I saw there was no toilet paper.  I grabbed what I needed from the laundry room and ran back to the bathroom.  I looked down and I was holding a dryer sheet.  I'm not sure why my brain decided a dryer sheet was a roll of tp... but whatever.

2.  Alex puked... in my hair.  Right after we got clean in the bath.

3.  Alex peed on me.  He hit my shoulder.  Impressive.

4.  I had my first alcoholic drink since I had that cheap champagne in a plastic hotel cup on New Year's.  It was delicious.

5.  Alex has started doing this random hysterical laughing thing.  Cody said something sort of serious like, "He hit her?!!?!?!?!" Alex started laughing manically.  It was hilarious.

My text messaging does not seem to be working right anymore.  I got a few text messages that were blank with no phone number attached, so if you sent me a message and I didn't reply... sorry.  We've been looking for new phones/plans, but I hate signing up for a new contract because we're never in one place as long as long as a cell phone contract runs.  Sad. 

Anyway, I hope all the moms out there had a great Mother's Day! 

Friday, May 10, 2013

5 months ! (almost)

Ill finish updating later. Just had a few minutes.
Proof that the boys are Cody's.  He has the same middle toe that sits on top of the rest.
 Alex activity mat time with daddy.

Hello, I have twins.  This is my living room.  To be fair, the two toys near the fireplace do not need to be there.  Mom and Dad brought them up last weekend and we just haven't figured out what to do with them.  Soon they will be needed.  Nothing else in the picture is extra or unnecessary.  The boys have decided they do not like being on their back for very long.  Now I have to entertain them in some upright position.  I miss my newborns.

Ben always wakes up in this position.  I'm not entirely sure why.  His head starts off where his pacifier is.  Sometimes he wakes up even more rotated.  Alex scoots straight down to the end of his crib.  He doesn't rotate though.

Cody holding Ben while he sleeps.  It is incredibly rare that they fall asleep while we hold them now.

Ben sleeping.  Look at how big those cheeks are getting!

Alex... maybe Ben?... smiling.

Alex managed to scoot his head under these hanging chew toys.  He didn't bother to grab them with his hand, he just kind of tongued them and tried to catch them with his lips.  It was hilarious and disgusting.

My baby is precious.
Alex on the left Ben on the right

Look at that awesome siding

Ben on the left in dark blue. Alex on the right.