We finally made it back to visit the farm. It turns out we haven't been there since last spring. Oops. To be fair, we have traveled almost nowhere in that time frame. There was one disaster overnight to KC, and that was it. Anyway, we had a really good weekend.
Cousin was also visiting while his mom (Aunt C) had things to take care of. It was a lot of fun seeing the boys together. Cousin ended up getting a little sick, so he wasn't 100%, but they still had a good time.
We spent a lot of time up at the shop while the guys were working on a project. The 4 wheeler was parked nearby waiting for repairs. The boys took that opportunity to climb up and sit on it. Here are all 3 boys and Grandma sitting on the 4 wheeler.
Cousin in front. Alex middle, Ben behind
Colt looks like he is having a rocking good time, but they weren't moving.
Same order. The boys went binky crazy this weekend. I don't know why; they were almost off of them, but whatever.
I cut Grandma out in case she didn't want to be on the blog.
Alex camo, Ben orange sitting on the gator while Grandma feed some grain. They had a lot of fun watching cows.
Alex wearing his most exciting outfit leading Cody down to a tractor. They loved sitting in the tractor
Ben trying to close the door.
I wouldn't let him
He eventually gave up and started playing with the key. That was when we started taking the key out when the boys played in there.
Ben using the toy vacuum to "clean up" the floor dry.
Day 2 left the boys pretty pooped. Alex actually fell asleep leaning on my arm. This NEVER happens with my boys. They need their own space when sleeping.
A very attractive Alex asleep pic
One of the issues with travel was a place to sleep. We found these cots for the boys and Grandma bought one for each of the boys. All 3 boys ended up really liking them. My boys are still in cribs. This was a big step.
The first night was a bit of a disaster. They stayed up until after midnight and woke up at 4:30. Alex woke me up by pushing a bag of gummies in my face and saying "NUMMIES? NUMMIES?" Little monster. I told him to go get in bed. He went to his bed and sat there quietly watching us try to fall back asleep.
The 2nd night was a lot better. There was quite a bit of crying before they went down, but they went down a lot quicker and slept until after 9 am. To be fair, they didn't go down until about 11pm. The farm schedule is much, much different from home schedule. We didn't even eat dinner until 9.
The 3rd night went really well. They were absolutely exhausted when we took them to bed, so there was a brief meltdown, but they went down quick. Their toddler beds should get here Monday or Tuesday, so hopefully this will have helped that transition.
All 3 boys sitting with Grandma in a pickup waiting for instructions. Alex far left, Ben, Cousin far right
If you can't tell, they spent a lot of time climbing in/on/around the equipment while we waited for things to do. Playing in a pickup was another favorite place.
The boys were leading Grandpa around.
Discussing bull stuff I imagine.
So the boys came to chat. Ben grey Alex camo
Cousin finally caught up to join the parade
small detour
Cousin and Ben chatting about water, probably. My boys like talking about water. or cats. or cows.
Back in the shop playing in the floor dry
Ben cruising around on the 4 wheeler
Computer break. Cousin wanted to watch videos about trains all weekend. My boys were less interested, but still joined him. Cousin was not always happy with the company.
Cousin left, Alex middle, Ben right
Alex and Cousin watching trains again
Cousin not impressed by Ben pointing at something
Cousin teaching Ben to swing like a monkey on a laundry line
Boys playing in gator. Alex left, Ben middle, Cousin right
Putting floor dry in a can. And dumping it out. As you can see, they spent a lot of time playing with the floor dry.
Fighting over a can. Good thing there are lots of cans around! All 3 boys got their own can.
Alex and cousin
Cousin put much more floor dry in his can before he dumped it out, resulting in much larger piles. My boys would just put a little in, dump it out next to Cousin's pile, then push it all around.
Fighting over the 4 wheeler
Grandma thought of a fun new game. Use a squirt bottle to spray water on things. That distracted them for quite a while.
Ben joined
Ben and cousin in a tractor. They eventually started battling it out over the radio. They were still having fun here
Ben so pooped he is playing with a truck on the floor.
On the way home. A full van, sleepy babies, and tired parents
Hopefully we can make it back again soon to visit with everyone we didn't get to see. It was a really fast, really last minute trip. It was actually part business trip for Cody. We just took the opportunity to swing by the farm since Cody would be nearby anyway. We really didn't get a chance to see anyone.
It was a fun weekend. Now we need a weekend from our weekend!