Sunday, August 17, 2014

Loving Shep, Spray Park, Chuck E Cheese and More. It's a long one folks!

The boys love Shep.  Shep does not love the boys.  He has learned that they drop a lot of delicious food, so he will follow them around picking up their messes.  If they notice him, he runs away. 
The boys played in some water in a disposable diaper.  If you haven't dealt with diapers, disposables soak up A LOT of water.  They have these white gel-ish crystals that puff up to absorb moisture.  The boys got a diaper nice and soaked.  When I wasn't looking, they brought it in the house and started swinging it back and forth violently.  Violently enough that it exploded all over the kitchen/living room.  URGH.  The crystal things are very sticky.  It was incredibly difficult to clean up.  You can't sweep it because it just smears.  You can't vacuum it because.... well because it seems to defy laws of nature.  I used the wet vacuum and picked some pieces up individually.  The trail like in the pic went all the way to the kitchen.  I can't show the other pics because they all contain a naked baby, hence the diaper disaster.
Ben.  They love crayons.  Here he is admiring his crayons.
Eating his crayons.
Alex also has a taste for crayons it seems.
I said the babies love Shep.  More specifically, Alex likes Shep a little and Ben LOVES Shep.  Like a deep, passionate, admiring love for Shep.  I caught him trying to use Shep as a pillow.  Shep rejected his advances.
Here is Ben using his right leg kick on the floor to show his love for Shep.  I circled the leg in red.
Rejected again.  Poor Ben.  :(
That's better. Ben and Shep with Alex's leg
Alex playing with his foot
Peekaboo! (Alex)
Ben cut his finger somehow.  It was a relatively deep slice and then the top layer(s) of skin were scraped off.  He handled it like a champ, but it hurt him for quite a few days.  He would come up to me and hold the finger up and point to it with his other hand.
Ben green, Alex shirtless
The boys have started giving each other hugs.  They will do it if I ask them to hug brother, and they will do it if they are just feeling lovey.  They will also give each other binkies, food, blankets, toys, etc.  They even recognize that the other has a favorite whatever and will give brother the favorite whatever instead of keeping it for himself.  It warms the heart when I give one a grape and he carries it over to give to brother.  Grapes are like currency here.  VERY sought after.
They have also started giving us the best hugs.  They hug really tight, then pull back and give you a big gooey kiss, and then hug really tight again.  A few baby hugs and they can do no wrong in my book.
They also like to carry around pencils and pens, colored pencils, markers, straws, etc.  (Alex is wearing a diaper.  He isn't naked.  When the pic is small, it looks a little weird.)
Another new discovery:  Ketchup.  They are ketchup monsters.  Ben
OOOOhhhhh Yeah, Ketchup!
Alex looks just as disgusting, but I didn't get a picture of him.  The lady in the booth next to us kept talking to me and telling me how great the boys are.  That they are very quiet and well behaved.  She went on to talk about how other parents let their monsters run wild.  This happens every so often.  I'm pretty sure that is a preemptive strike to let me know she will be judging me if the boys get crazy.  I think that is meant to put a little seed of guilt down and encourage me to keep the boys in control.  Maybe she was just a nice lady, but it really is an effective method of making me hyper aware of their actions.  Well played stranger... well played.  (Story not about the lady you can see in the background.  Different lady)
Lately, they are demanding to hang out in Ben's crib.  I don't know why they picked Ben's crib, but they don't want to be in Alex's... just Ben's.  They wrestle around, sit and chat, or hold on the crib rail and bounce.  It is hilarious.  All the stuff in the crib was stuff for playing, not their usual sleeping stuff.  (In case anyone was worried about crib safety.)
My first failure as a mother:  Teaching the boys where eyes are.  You would not believe how many times a day me, Cody, Shep, and brother get poked in the eye with a very sweet little baby voice saying "Eye...Eyes?.....Eye!.....Eye....Eyes!"  Ben doing the poking

Cody recovering from the poke.  They literally touch eyeball.  You would think they would figure out it is not fun when brother pokes him in the eye.. but no.  Lots of eye interest.
They know all the body parts and they will say the names of a few.  I will admit to being one of the moms other moms judge.  They learned booby, weenie, and buns instead of the actual names.  We were calling the weenie a wildcat, but I decided that might get too confusing once college football starts again.  Go Wildcats! 

They have a bit of a mean streak.  Here is Alex pinching Ben.
Alex wrestled his way out of his shirt in his sleep.
They started doing this.  They like to stand on this little table and eat a snack with us on the counter.
From the front.
Ben green cup, Alex blue cup
I would stop them from doing this, but Cody and I both really love hanging out with them like this.  They are sturdy enough now that I'm not really afraid of them falling off the table.  Granted, the only reason there is room there is because there are no chairs already there because I have to lay them on their sides still... STILL. 
I could just tell them no, but they are so fast.  It is really safer if I don't give them the opportunity to do things when I have to attend to something else.  Usually it is the other baby's dirty diaper, meltdown, or destruction in another room.
I would also like to note that they ate all of their green beans and left the pizza.  Weirdos.
Alex playing with his sunglasses and singing in the back seat
We went to the spray park in the nearby town again.  Since we were there, they built a nice little shelter with a table and bench.  Very nice!
Ben green, Alex Blue
Lost a shoe!
Of course my boys quickly lost interest in the things meant for play, and focused on something mechanical.  Turning the water on and off.

Alex and later Ben.  Alex points at the valve and then at the sprays.
Ben getting teased by the water by Alex turning it on and off
Alex's first time enjoying the swing.  Usually they hate the swing.  Shortly after this video, he started scream crying and refused to go near the swing again.  Nothing bad happened in the mean time.  Who knows.
A couple of funny signs.  Apparently the pizza place needs some Adult help. ("Adult Help Wanted")
Dairy Queen urging children to scream in the car until daddy gives in and gives them ice cream.  ("Scream until daddy stops the car")
Ben left, Alex right.  Sitting in the driveway before we head out
This is what the boys love most about grocery shopping.   Each time, I bring all the bags in, and they very carefully sneak through each bag until they find the grapes.  Then they sit there as quietly as possible scarfing down grapes as fast as they can.  I know it is not exactly healthy or food safe, but I think it is hilarious.  These guys are serious grape lovers.  Alex blue, Ben white
Sunglasses!  Ben green, Alex Blue. 
Ben took his off and put them back on.  Alex appears to be deep in thought
We took the boys to Chuck E Cheese.  I was so, so, so.......SO excited.  All day today I was singing about where a kid can be a kid.  I told the boys to get ready, they are going to be wow'ed.  I dreamed of all the delicious pizza and fun we were going to have.
It was a flop.  It was not awful, but it did not live up to the excitement of being a kid.  The one here is a lot smaller than the ones I've been to before.  A lot of stuff was broken and the pizza was not the same as I remembered.  There was not a whole lot for the boys.  There were some little rides, kind of like the horses you used to see in front of stores.  The boys HATED them.  Their eyes would get huge and they would reach their arms up and make that terrified face.  Apparently, they inherited Cody's irrational fear of anything that moves while not under their control.  We did have some fun, but I doubt we'll go back any time soon.
This was a big truck.  One like they use to climb rocks.  They did okay playing on it until we flipped the switch that made the front end go up in the air and vibrate.  Then they demanded to be let off.  The ride was still going so a family grabbed their kid and ran him over to ride on it. 
Eating some pizza and grapes.  Probably watching a baby.  They LOVE babies.  They'll point and say, "Baby? Baby.  Baby!"
Ben being goofy.  (Notice the PAPER plates?  Insanity..)
We mostly used grapes to distract them so Cody and I could play a couple of games without them.  Cody getting some shooting in.  I did skee ball.  Some little girl made me explain how to work the machine, and then decided I was friendly so she followed me around.  I'm too much of a mom now I guess.
The boys driving with Cody.  This turned out to be the most fun.
Losing interest!
We spent $30 and won 28 tickets.  That is equal to $0.28.  It wasn't enough to get anything of course.  By the time we were leaving the boys were literally screaming.  The lady checking hand stamps at the door decided to stamp the incoming family before she checked us, even though we were there first.  Cody said, "Why aren't you going?"  I said, "She needs to make sure we aren't stealing this screaming baby."  She gave me a look.  Pfft.
Overall we did have fun. 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The boys doing the usual... Destroying everything

Sitting together nicely.  Amazingly.
The babies found a new clubhouse.  Unfortunately, they chose the dryer.  I was watching them, but I never thought they would actually be able to get in it.  Alex in dryer, Ben climbing.
Hanging out.
Love Alex's face
I am now more careful about leaving the dryer door open.  That is really not somewhere I want them to sit.
The babies decided to have an overnight party.  They woke up at 1ish and stayed up until 4:30ish.  It was not awesome.  They swung between very happy and very angry.  Eventually I gave up trying to get them to go back down and broke out the Cheez-its.  Here we are all on the fort on their floor.  Ben has the Cheez-it box and Alex is messing with Cody.
Alex gave Cody his binky. 
The babies will not stop climbing the chairs.  Alex
I still have to keep the chairs on their side on the floor.
My parents brought Shep back.  He is doing better than I expected, but he is not super happy with his new routine.  Here is Ben talking to him from Shep's bed.  Shep refuses to sleep in the bed, so whatever.
We have been spending a lot of time outside in the pool.  Ben left Alex right.
I had to turn the recliner on its side also.  The babies wouldn't stop rocking it violently. 
Playing with the kindle together.  Ben yellow, Alex green
They can make a serious mess.  Alex green, Ben yellow.
Cody went to a bachelor party out of town last weekend.  He stopped by his parents house after he left the campground.  We decided to try Skype with the babies.  They LOVED it.  They kept pointing at Cody on the screen and saying Dada.  When we closed the computer, they were very unhappy.
Alex trying to open the computer
Alex melting into an angry puddle
Alex picking up the computer and throwing it at me
Alex feeding Ben a mp3 player.
Ben using a screwdriver to open the battery compartment on his car.  These little monsters love tools.  LOVE.
Shep won't sleep in his bed, instead he sleeps on the baby's couch.
Ben using a truck to stand on to grab stuff off counters.
Sticking stuff in the holes Cody drilled in this to make a 4 wheeler train with the other toy.
They like to put their sippy cup in to a different cup and drink out of it that way.
The boys found the crayons.  They tore the box open and threw them everywhere.  Ben Blue on the left and Alex grey on the right.