In a funny follow up to the last post, I don't need to worry about telling strangers I have a boy and a girl. I was attempting to trim up the back and sides of Alex's hair. He was starting to look a little too scraggly. Looks like I accidentally trimmed him up a little too much. Here is Alex saying cheese.
Ben. See, I can't tell them apart again. Bummer
Baby fort. Alex left, Ben right
Alex green, Ben blue
Babies. Nothing is safe. Ugh.
2nd baby house destruction. Ben broke this. I popped it back in to place and will probably put some wood glue in it at a later date.
Ben (Ben has short hair. Alex has long hair. I won't label all of the pictures, but that is an easy way to tell them apart.)
I love this shirt. It is extra awesome coupled with the mustache pacifier.
Alex stuck between the bed and a side table. I had to turn the table to face the bed because the babies kept emptying the drawer on the floor. Locking up everything is really getting old.
Babies Standing and Climbing on Things
The babies have started climbing on everything... EVERYTHING. I basically live my life to pull them down off of things now. They climb the speakers and stand on top of the tv table. They climb up the kitchen drawers like stairs and pull everything off the top of the counters. They climb up our counter height kitchen chairs and get on top of the counter and/or kitchen table. (!!!!)
This scares the crap out of me. Now I can never let them leave my sight. The level of baby proofing has gone up greatly. I have stuff piled on top of the speakers, so the babies can't get up. All of our kitchen chairs are on their side on the floor. All of our deck chairs and other surfaces are a couple feet from the side of the deck, a couple feet from each other, and a couple feet from the table.
I didn't get pictures of everything they stand on obviously. I'm usually running to grab them, not running to grab a camera while they teeter on the brink of danger. Here are some examples of babies climbing on the less dangerous stuff.
My parents surprised the boys with this picnic table one day. The boys were very excited. The first thing they did was climb to the top and do happy feet.
Alex on the toy box. They like to tip the plastic tote over, throw the toys everywhere, then climb on top. They got on top together and broke it.
Our Amazon Subscribe and Save diaper order came. They each stood on top of a box of diapers and yell/talked to each other. You can see Ben using his hands to emphasize his speech.
This isn't necessarily climbing up, but this is similar and funny. We have a high efficiency front loader washer. One of the complaints with these machines is they get off balance if not loaded exactly perfectly. When it is out of balance, it vibrates really hard or, if it is really out of balance, will violently shake hard enough to shimmy it across the floor. The boys like to pull out the bottom drawer and sit in it while it vibrates.
I turned the picnic table over because they wouldn't stop climbing it. So they climbed on the underside instead.
Here is the one that I am really unhappy about. Alex climbing a kitchen chair. This was one of the first times he did it, so I still had my camera in my hand. I tried pushing the chairs under the table, but they managed to climb up the chair under the table and then they were stuck between the seat and the bottom of the table. Lots of screaming happened.
The new location of my chairs
The boys made the best of it
More pictures of the babies and their picnic table.
Eating on the deck
The table is currently upside down on top of our deck table because they wouldn't stop climbing it. They are getting better, but I can only leave it out for eating or craft time.
I watched my friend's 5ish month old for an evening last week. The boys really enjoyed having a new friend. Here is Alex checking her out.
Ben especially loved her. He sat next to her on the blanket and kept petting her head. She liked it at first, but it seemed to get annoying after a while. Ben kept going.
The boys do this thing where they get on their bellies facing each other and kick their right foot on the floor. Ben kept getting on the floor and kicking while looking at her in this position.
Like this
He didn't seem to understand why she didn't kick back. (I blocked out her face because I don't like putting pictures of other people's babies on the internet.)
How to easily identify my babies in a sea of other babies:
1. (purple) One shoe on, one shoe off
2. (Green) Cloth diaper, no pants
3. (pink) Something looped around their neck like a necklace (not in a stangling way)
4. (red) Concentrating on sticking something in something else. In this case, a fork between the deck boards.
This picture made me laugh. Alex looks like a serious speed walker in a speedo. The boys were pacing back and forth talking. Each would start on the opposite side of the deck, so they would pass each other in the middle. They also did this while crawling, not walking. weirdos.
Pacing back the other way
The boys really like to get a hold of a wipes bag and pull them all out. They think it is hilarious. I don't. Ben got a fresh, full bag. He seemed happy. They have learned to put the wipes back in the bag, but they are just never the same.
Alex fell down and hurt his face a bit. He was fine, but he looked pretty beat up for a few days.
Alex playing in the rain. I made him come in when I saw lightning. He was not happy about that.
Ben joining him
Wrestling to get out first
Ben asking for something
In the picnic table
They started standing on the underside of the seats and rocking really hard. I was afraid they would tear it apart, so I put it on top of the adult table.
This series is repetitive, but I thought each picture had its own charm.
Ben closed the door on Alex. Babies talking through the door
Ben asking for help. Alex looking sad
Love Alex's face
Alex pressing his face on the glass
Asking for help
Ben trying the door handle
This made me think of my Grandpa that passed away a year and a half ago. It randomly made me crack up laughing in the aisle of the grocery store. I sent this picture to my sister, Aunt K, because the story was hers.
I don't remember the specifics, but here is the close enough story. K was home alone while my parents were out of town for a few days. She called my grandparents to check in every so often. On one of these calls, Grandpa talked extensively.. EXTENSIVELY, about how great beans are. Here was my sister's summary of what he said, "Some people heat them up; that's a mistake. Just get a fork and eat them straight out of the can." By itself, this isn't a remarkable conversation. Knowing my sister and my grandpa, our family has laughed about this for years.
Baby Videos.
Messy. Sorry.
The boys, Ben especially, have gotten really good at pushing themselves along on this truck. They can push with one foot to make quick turns to avoid obstacles and brother. Here they are fighting over a set of headphones. They LOVE to suck on ear buds from head phones. Ben has them and Alex chases him. Eventually, Alex does steal them.
At around the 20 second mark you see Alex pet Ben's head when we say
be nice. They learned that be nice means to pet the other person.
Here is how the babies show their appreciation for getting new shoes. They just stomped around running and laughing for a good half hour or so. They love shoes.
Other fun things about the babies
I don't know if I've written about this before, but I can now ask them to turn the fan or light on or off and they will go to the light switch, climb on their standing box, and turn on/off the fan/light. Sometimes they get distracted and turn on/off all of the switches, but generally they will do it for me.
They also have started wiping up their messes on the floor. This is good and bad. The good is of course the learning and it saves me from having to do it. The bad is the how and why of it. Here is a
fun tale. They can get their diaper off now. Like this:
One day Ben got his diaper off and then peed on the floor. He walked over and grabbed Alex's lovey blanket and used it to wipe up the pee. Thanks Ben. They will wipe up spilled milk, drool, spit, pee, etc. I just have to keep all important cloth items out of their reach (they have been known to grab stuff from the clean laundry pile or jackets off of chairs to use to clean the floor).
They are eating really well. They are fruit loving machines. There is not a single fruit that they will not eat every bit that I'm willing to give them. They ate so many blueberries that they were pooping blue for a while. They eat a watermelon a week. It is crazy. I have to hide fruit so they don't just sit and eat all day. Fruit is nature's candy.
They have started saying cheese when I take a picture. It is more like "deeeEEEEEZZZZzzzz"... very cute. Sometimes their faces look really weird in pictures because they are saying cheese so violently.
We currently have Ben's hair short and Alex's hair long. Alex's hair is definitely shaggy, but it is not like girly long. We still have people ask when we are out about the little boy and little girl. It is not like I have a bow in his hair or anything. While on the subject, I hate when we tell someone they are identical twins and then we have to spend the next 15 minutes listening to the stranger point out all the ways they don't look seem to be identical. Thanks stranger, I never noticed that one's face is a little round/wider/shorter/flater. This usually comes up when we tell them their different hair lengths are so we can easily tell them apart. Maybe I'll just tell people it is a little boy and a little girl instead.
Ben always asks me to take off all his clothes. Alex always brings me random clothes to put on him. I often have one nearly naked baby and one in a full outfit. I think it is funny.
I think those are the big updates. They are pretty fun nowadays. The tantrums are a lot more elaborate, but they now look for a soft place to fall before they throw themselves to the floor and roll around yelling. That's a plus. People that have kids our boys age are starting to have 2nd babies. I think having 2 at once is starting to finally pay off.
As I'm getting ready to post this, I see they wore the same shirts a lot the last few weeks. These pictures were taken on a lot of different days, but the outfits were the same. Oops.